Catalog excerpts

Standard of Care in Autotransfusion THE Blood Management Company
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Allogeneic transfusions: know the risks What is the cost of complications associated with allogeneic blood? What are your intraoperative and postoperative transfusion rates, respectively? The risks and costs associated with the use of allogeneic blood are well documented. With a price up to 1.400 USD allogeneic blood is becoming more and more expensive. And because transfusions temporarily suppress the immune system, it puts patients at undue risk of infection and complications.1 The risk of transfusion-related immunomodulation (TRIM)—the temporary suppression of the immune system—increases...
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Does your blood management program fully optimize cell salvage? Perioperative autotransfusion begins with the first incision and ends when the wound drains are removed. To minimize the likelihood of unnecessary allogeneic transfusions, optimal blood management programs need to collect, wash, and reinfuse a patient’s blood in the operating room and cardiac care unit. Only Haemonetics designs cardiovascular autotransfusion systems for the intra- and postoperative care settings to help ensure all salvageable blood is returned to the patient. Operating Room Cell Saver System collects, washes,...
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Cell Saver 5+: perioperative cell salvage starts in the operating room Haemonetics pioneered intraoperative cell salvage. Since its introduction in 1972 our Cell Saver ® technology led the industry to become the standard of care. The Cell Saver ®5+ Autologous Blood Recovery System is designed for surgeries like CABG, valve replacement, trauma, orthopaedic, transplant, and other procedures where medium- to high-volume blood loss occurs. With the ability to deliver between 50–60% hematocrit and to remove nearly all traces of undesirable components such as free hemoglobin, the Cell Saver...
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The core of every quality blood management program Optimal blood management programs leverage a variety of tests, medications, and techniques to avoid unnecessary allogeneic transfusions. Intraoperative and postoperative autotransfusion must be at the core of these interventions and every quality blood management program because it ensures patients receive the highest quality blood possible—their own. Allogeneic blood versus perioperative autotransfusion Allogeneic Blood Transfusion Intraoperative Cell Saver®5+ System Postoperative cardioPAT® System Avoidance of unnecessary allogeneic...
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Ordering Information List Number Cell Saver 5+ System, Europe Cell Saver 5+ Bowl Set (225 mL) Cell Saver 5+ Bowl Set (125 mL) Cell Saver 5+ Bowl Set (70 mL) 70 mL Bowl Chuck Adapter Collection Reservoir, 3-Liter with 150 µm Raised Filter Collection Reservoir, 3-Liter with 20 µm Filter Replacement Waste Bag, 10 Liter Quick Reference Guide, EU Replacement RBC Bag with Integrated M
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Technical Information Machine with Cart (IV pole down) Raising IV pole adds up to 37.5 in (95 cm) to the height dimensions above. Weight of Machine Pump Speed Centrifuge Speed Fuse Rating Operating Frequency Power Cord Length
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Czech Republic United Kingdom Copyright © 2001,2004-2006,2008 Haemonetics Corporation. Haemonetics, C € 0123 cardioPAT, Cell Saver, SmartSuction, and SmartSuction Harmony are HAF.MnNF.Tirsu.K T.Tn trademarks or registered trademarks of Haemonetics Corporation in the USA, IECI REPl ScotlandG7l'tB^01hweU other countries, or both. March 08 Germany. COL-PP-000009-IE(AB) Great Britain EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS Signy Centre THE Blood Management Company
Open the catalog to page 8All HAEMONETICS catalogs and technical brochures
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TEG Global Hemostasis Assay
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SafeTrace Tx
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4 Pages
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cardioPAT ®
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