MCS®+ 9000


Catalog excerpts

MCS®+ 9000 - 1

The Added Advantage In Platelet Collection

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MCS®+ 9000 - 2

Add More Platelets in More Places with the MCS®+ Donors Collecting more platelets starts with reaching more donors. And many donors—from smaller individuals to those with lower platelet counts or time constraints—are more suited to single unit collections. Many other potential donors only consider donation when mobile units come to them. So optimize all collections with the proven technology and unique mobility of the MCS+ device for every donor everywhere. Fixed Sites Collect single platelet units more cost-effectively Increase comfort for all donors using saline return Mobile Sites Access...

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MCS®+ 9000 - 3

Bring Safety, Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness to Platelet Collection Why Single Donor Platelet Collection? Clinical Advantages In comparison with whole blood random donor platelets (RDP), single donor platelets (SDP) offer several significant advantages: Provides a consistent dose for transfusion Delivers less risk of bacterial contamination4 Exhibits less cellular activation5 Ensures better platelet recovery rates and longer survival6 Decreases risk of infections, allergic reactions and platelet alloimmunization for patients Processing Advantages Studies Indicate the Risk of Bacterial...

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MCS®+ 9000 - 4

To find out more about how Haemonetics continues to advance healthcare with innovative blood management solutions, call us at 1-800-225-5242. GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Haemonetics Corporation 400 Wood Road Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 USA Copyright © 2006, 2008-2010 Haemonetics Corporation. Haemonetics and MCS are trademarks of Haemonetics Corporation. 04.2010, Germany. COL-PP-000025(AA)

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All HAEMONETICS catalogs and technical brochures

  1. NexSys PCS

    6 Pages

  2. MCS+ 8150

    4 Pages

  3. Blood Track

    12 Pages

  4. SafeTrace Tx

    4 Pages

  5. MCS®+8150

    4 Pages

  6. EdgeBlood

    4 Pages

  7. PCS 2

    4 Pages

  8. MCS®+

    4 Pages

  9. ACP ® 215

    4 Pages

  10. TEG ® 5000

    8 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. eDonor

    2 Pages

  2. EdgeCell

    4 Pages

  3. Donor Doc

    4 Pages

  4. Surround

    2 Pages

  5. OrthoPAT

    4 Pages

  6. cardioPAT ®

    8 Pages