4D Pro Multilayer Zirconia Block
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4D Pro Multilayer Zirconia Block - 1

Zirconia block User Instruction [Before use] Zirconia blocks are produced by CIP technology and pre-sintered in low temperature. Although the product has some strength, because of porosity, please handle carefully. When you receive the product, please check as below. If there is something exceptional, please contact the sales manager. 1.Product is complete without any damage. 2.The packing is complete without any damage. [4D Pro Multilayer Material Usage and Technical Parameters] Materials function Aging Properties Chemical Solubility The thinnest should be no less than 0.8mm. Increase compensation data of the Milling Burs.|t is an effective way to easy the condition that the anterior cannot match the veneer of butment well due to the keenness of the veneer of butment. The tip of the butment should be filled with wax, and then processing the scanning and designing. Fracture Toughness making restorations by using zirconia ceramic materials, make sure that a new bur should be used. And to cool zirconia by using liquid is avoided when doing milling process. After milling is finished, check that if there are any defects happening listed below: Is there any crack? Is there any contamination? Is there any break? If any of these defects happen, reasons must be found and restorations need to be milled again. Layout: Choose zirconia block of suitable thickness. When layout, put data in the middle of disc (vertical veneer, inlay, onlay, anterior crown, full arch, one in all cases. be no less than 0.4mm; the adhesive clearance is Omm. Sintered Density Full contour crown and bridges(veneer): Scanning —Designing—Milling>Cleaning—Sintering> Polishing—Staining—Finishing 1.Scanning Scanning the butment: Scanning the base one by one. Making sure that the base should make a full contact with model. 2.Designing Mechanical Property [Application method] should be considered,when the margin is design. The axial wall must be blunt to ensure the zirconia can reach an ideal milling effect with CAD/CAM. Chemical Composition and Powder Characteristics The inner edge of shoulder must be slick or be fluted. The minimum width of incisal edge, labial side, and palatal side is at least 0.8 mm. Width of occlusal surface of lateral side of the lip,tongue preparation is more than 1.0mm. The zirconia can be used to manufacture crown, the bridges and other restoration. Full contour: [Requirements for preparation] 4D Pro Multilayer zirconia is not suitable for non-shoulder preparation or shoulder with slant. Since both ways will lead to a thinner eage and risk of fracture. The distance between restorations data and disc surface should be at least lmm. Connector should be placed in the most protruding position on buccal side. The thickness of connector should be 2mm. as picture shows If possible, the preparation should be only for enamel. The margin of incisal cannot be prepared on the occlusal surface or zone where changes a lot. The preparation for incisal edge, labial surface, and cervical is at least 0.4 mm. The inner edge of shoulder must be slick or be fluted. Suggested to make wrapping type. Anterior crown: The inner edge of shoulder must be slick or be fluted. Preparation wideth of incisal, labial and palatal should be above 0.6mm. The axial wall must be blunt to ensure the zirconia can reach an ideal milling effect with CAD/CAM. Anterior crown Place the disc: Directing arrow is seen on the side of “Multilayer” disc. The arrow points at the direction of incisal, namely the part of disc showing shallower color. 4. Separation of Restoration and Cleaning Separation of restoration: Using technician specialized hand piece and grinding head to separate restorations from blocks. Before grinding, a towel should be put on the desk to avoid restorations dropping on desk and crack or break.When operating, hand needs to find a fulcrum: hand piece speed should be controlled at 10000-12000rev/min. And then the connector need to be polished successively in one direction. Don’ t separated one connector completely off at one time; Finally, the rest of connector could be polished slightly.!t is not advised to make too much adjustment on the restorations in soft condition to avoid causing subfissure or ch

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4D Pro Multilayer Zirconia Block - 2

Cleaning: Cleaning up the powder on surface and inner side of restorations with brush. If cleaning is not thorough, uncleaned powder will contaminate color liquid when dyeing and the uncleaned powder will stay on the surface and inner side of restorations after high temperature sintering, forming white spots and therefore having negative effect on esthetics and positioning of restorations. 5. Sintering The suggested crystallization curve: Start temp Heating rate Maximum temp Holding time Room temp zirconium beads. Step 2: Inspect the sintering furnace, it is important to clean the furnace...

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