Catalog excerpts

HaHasmile® HaHasmile® is the brand under Galaxy Industrial Holding Limited Co., Ltd which is a professional supplier of dental zirconia ceramic materials, PMMA, Wax, Milling burs and other dental consumables. HaHasmile® supply best products with guarantee, all the products strictly with ISO, CE and FDA certificate. We provide an integrated and comprehensive service to our customers, also provide the support to resolve customer’s technical questions. Natural quality Natural smile. You are worth i
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• Strictly selective zirconia powder to sensure no defects between zirconia crystals. • The ultra-high pressure isostatic pressure process makes the density of zirconia consistent in all directions. • Precision CNC machine processing to ensure consistency of products dimensions. • Each batch of the raw materials are strictly is the products brand Galaxy Industrial Holding Limited Co.,Ltd There are 8 products of zirconia blocks: HT, ST+,ST+ color, ST+ multilayer, SST multilayer, UT multilayer, 4D multilayer, 4D+multilayer. High and Stable quality materials with our best service. chemical and...
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HT High Strength Zirconia Block Features: Suitable for posterior and bridge repair. Strongest strength and most economical materials . Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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ST+ Super Translucency Zirconia Block Features: Super translucency For full contour and full contour bridge. Balancing the strength and transparency of the zirconia. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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ST+color Zirconia Block Features: Full crowns and bridges. High aesthetic veneering. No need coloring, VITA 16 shades. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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ST Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: Vita 16 colors, OM1, OM2, OM3; 5 Layers Multilayer; Color/Strength/Translucent gradient; Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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3D Pro Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: Vita 16 colors, OM1, OM2, OM3; 6 Layers overlay, 11 Layers gradient; Color/Strength/Translucent gradient; Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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UT Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: Special for Anterior No need coloring, VITA 16 shades. Color gradient. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C)
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4D Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: Anterior teeth restoration. No need coloring, VITA 16 shade and OM1,OM2,OM3. Color, Strength and translucent gradient. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C)
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4D pro Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: All cases. No need coloring, VITA 16 shade and bleach. Color, Strength and translucent gradient. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C)
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4D+ Multilayer Zirconia Block Features: All cases. No need coloring, VITA 16 shade and bleach. Color, Strength and translucent gradient. Sintered Density g/cm³ Sintered temperature(°C) Amann Girrbach
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Case Display
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Case Sharing
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PMMA block HaHasmile® provides a variety of compatible single PMMA blank with Open CAD/CAM system, Amann Girrbach system and ZirkonZahn system. Hardness Linear expansion rate Water absorption Dental CAD/CAM model; Temporary crowns and bridges; Denture prosthetics; Crown & Bracket; 100% high quality resin materials; Low water absorption and dense structure; No biological toxicity;
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PMMA Block Features: VITA 16 shade; Hardness: 85-90D Shore; Temporary crowns and bridges; Denture prosthetics;
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PMMA Case Display
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Multilayer PMMA HaHasmile® provides a variety of compatible Multi-PMMA blank with Open CAD/CAM system, Amann Girrbach system and ZirkonZahn system. Linear expansion rate Water absorption Dental CAD/CAM model; Temporary crowns and bridges; Denture prosthetics; Crown & Bracket; It is color gradient PMMA; 100% high quality resin material; Low water absorption and dense structure; No biological toxicity;
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Multilayer PMMA Block Features: VITA 16 shade; Hardness: 85-90D Shore; Temporary crowns and bridges; Denture prosthetics;
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Flexible PMMA HaHasmile® provides a variety of compatible flexible PMMA blank with Open CAD/CAM system, Amann Girrbach system and ZirkonZahn system. Available Color Available size Clear color: suitable for invisible denture and removable denture bracket, dental jaw pad is ok. A0: suitable for crown and half mouth bridges; 100% high quality resin material; It is soft and flexible PMMA; No biological toxicity; It is comfortable feeling;
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Flexible PMMA Block Features: Color: A0/A1/A2/A3/clear; Temporary crowns and bridges; Temporary long bridges; Snap on; Dental jaw pad; Invisible braces;
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Double removable denture PMMA Block HaHasmile® provides a variety of compatible double PMMA blank for removable denture with Open CAD/CAM system, and ZirkonZahn system. Available size Removable Denture; 100% high quality resin material; No biological toxicity; It is comfortable feeling;
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Double removable denture PMMA Shape Display Case Display
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WAX BLANK • HaHasmile® provides a variety of wax blank compatible with open CAD/CAM milling systems, Amann Girrbach ceramill system, Zirkonzahn system. • Our wax milling blank are resin reinforced which is characterized by 100% burning out without leaving a residue and suitable for CNC milling and casting techniqu
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Features: Melting point Linear expansion rate Antistatic function Paraffin, wax, synthetic wax, polyethylene wax, Antioxidant, antistatic agent, toner Dental CAD/CAM wax model, Wax Crown Bridge Reference processing parameters Spindle speed: 18000/min Roughing feed rate of 0.5mm Finishing feed rate of 0.05mm
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Shape and Size Display
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Color Display
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PEEK block HaHasmile® provides a variety of compatible peek block with Open CAD/CAM system, Amann Girrbach system and ZirkonZahn system. Available Color Tensile strength: 98Mpa Elongation at break:45% Cantilever impact: 179KJ/M2 Bending Strength: 162Mpa Modulus of bending: 4Gpa Water absorption: 0% Oral cavity repair; Dental; Orthodontics; Low density, light weight, not be easily discolored, X line can be penetrated; Lower modulus of elasticity and hardness compared to metal alloys, similar wear resistance to metal alloys; Good biocompatibility and potential bacteriostasis;
Open the catalog to page 29All HaHasmile catalogs and technical brochures
71mm 4D Plus Multilayer
5 Pages
95MM 4D Plus Multilayer
5 Pages
98MM 4D Plus Multilayer
5 Pages
95MM 4D Pro Multilayer
5 Pages
98MM 4D Pro Multilayer
5 Pages
95MM 4D Multilayer
5 Pages
98MM4D Multilayer
5 Pages
95MM UT Multilayer
4 Pages
98MM UT Multilayer
4 Pages
98MM 3D Pro Multilayer
5 Pages
98MM ST Multilayer
5 Pages
71MM ST+Color Blocks
4 Pages
95MM ST+Color Blocks
4 Pages
98MM ST+Color Blocks
4 Pages
71MM ST+ Blocks
4 Pages
95MM ST+ Blocks
4 Pages
98MM ST+ Blocks
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Sintering Retainer Glue 10ml
1 Pages