Catalog excerpts

HaHasmile PMMA User Instruction This product is a kind of homogeneous high polymer material made from quality polymethymethacrylate added with cross-linking agents to improve the network structure through a unique polymerization molding technology. 1. Application HaHasmile PMMA and Multilayer PMMA products are mainly used for the fabrication of multi-unit, fully or partially anatomical long-term temporary bridge restorations with up to two pontics by CAD/CAM systems. Both anterior and posterior crown & bridge are recommended. 2. Technical Parameters: Property Flexural Strength Water absorption Solubility 3. Operation Procedure After being milled by CAM, use a fine cross-cut tungsten carbide bur to cut off the lug. If white spots, which were caused by the diamond tools, can be seen on the surface after milling, these spots can be easily removed with a tungsten carbide bur without affecting the quality of the product. The restoration can be trialed on the working model to test its fuction of occlusion. 4. Polishing Restorations can be prepolished with a suitable silicone polisher and a small goat-hair brush. Standard acrylic polishing agents that are also suitable for intraoral use. Avoid creating excessive heat. Careful polishing is absolutely necessary to achieve a perfect result and avoid accumulation of plaque and the related negaive effects on the shade. 5. Cleaning Leaving the completed restoration in the ultrasonic unit for about 1 minute. Content of the alkaline cleaning soluction including maximum 10%, the maximum temperature is 40°C. Cleaning with steam results in heat and compressive stress and must generally be avoided. 6. Installment inside the mouth After preparing well for the repair at the repaired part of the patient, use the shade tabs to compare the shade and confirm the shade of the restoration. Seat the tem
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restoration with a temporary adhesive cement and then remove excess materials. All provisional cements/adhesive materials are suitable. If the definitive restoration is to be cemented adhesively, eugenol-free cementing materials must be used. Please observe the instructions of the respective manufacturers. 7. Storage condition This product should be stored in a dry and shade place, avoiding sunlight. Storage temperature -18°C -- 40°C. 8. Matters needing attention A. Polymers must be worked on with a local dust extraction system. B. Wear a dust mask and protective glasses to prevent the...
Open the catalog to page 2All HaHasmile catalogs and technical brochures
71mm 4D Plus Multilayer
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95MM 4D Plus Multilayer
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98MM 4D Plus Multilayer
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95MM 4D Pro Multilayer
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98MM 4D Pro Multilayer
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95MM 4D Multilayer
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98MM4D Multilayer
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95MM UT Multilayer
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98MM UT Multilayer
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98MM 3D Pro Multilayer
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98MM ST Multilayer
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71MM ST+Color Blocks
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95MM ST+Color Blocks
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98MM ST+Color Blocks
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71MM ST+ Blocks
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95MM ST+ Blocks
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98MM ST+ Blocks
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4 Pages
4 Pages
Sintering Retainer Glue 10ml
1 Pages
HaHasmile catalogue
66 Pages