ST Multilayer Zirconia blocks instruction
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ST Multilayer Zirconia blocks instruction - 1

Zirconia block User Instruction (ST Multilayer) [Befo陀use] Zi 「conia blocks are produced by CIP technology and pre-sintered in low temperatu 「E Although the product has some strength, b ecause of porosity, please handle ca『efully. When you receive the product, please checked as below. If the 「e is something exceptional, please contact the sales manager. I.Product is complete without any damage. 2.The packi「1g is complete without any damage. [ST Multilayer Material Usage and Technical Parameters] Materials function ST Multilaye「zirconia can be used to manufacture c「·ow「1 bridge and othe『 「estorations. Che『『1ical Composition and Powder Characteristics Chemical Composition Y,O, 5.3wt9也 A60, 0.25wt% 理.0.D02wt驰 Si0. Fe,O, ,;;o.02wt% Na,O ,;;o.02w怕也 Monoclinic Phase<25帕 A国ng Properties Chemical Solubility ζ2000µ嘻cm「号 Mechanical Prope比y Sintered Dens Fl四ural Strength Hardness (HvlO) [Indications] coping、coping bridge、full arch coping bridge、custom abutment、SC『ew retained crown、SC 「ew retained bridge、l门lay、onlay、posterior crown、poste 「io『 crown bridge、full a 「ch crown bridge. 1.Prepa「e base into sloping shoulde 「 or round shoulder. 2.The milling thickness of ecge of cervical region should be at least 1mm. 3.0cciL」sal and incisal need to grind o何1.5-2.0 「n m. 4.Knuckle radius should be 0.7mm. 5.Axial SU『face aggregation degree should be 6-8 deg「E巳 6.For bridges, adjacent abutment should be parallel between each other to avoid undercut. [Application Method] Coping: Scanning and designing→Milling→Cleaning→Sintering→ Polishing→Porcelain→Staining→ Finishing Full contour crown:Scanning and designing→Milling→Cleaning·→Sinte 『ing→Polishing→Staining →Finishing 1. Scaning and Designing Please scan with highly p陀cise scanner to get accurate data of the restoration model. For full ceramic restoration, we have to meet ce眈ain requirements as below: 1.1 The thickness of the zi「conia should be at least 0.6mm. 1.2 The geometric structure of the zi 「conia brid巨e is the key of cracking strength, so the height of !he connection b口dy should be big as fa「 as possible.The C「oss-sectional area of ante「ior connection body should be at least 9mm2. The cross-sectional a 『ea of poste 『ior connection body should be at least 12mm2 1.3 Continuous loss of no more than two units. 1.4 Avoid the free deletion. 2.Milling When making restorations by using zirconia ceramic materials, make su 「e that a new bur should be used. And to cool zirconia by using liquid is avoided when doing milling process. After milling is finished, check that if the 「e are any defects happening listed below: Is there any crack? Is there any contamination? Is there any b『eak? If any of these defects happen,『easons need to be found and restorations need to be milled again. Layout: Choose zirconia block of suitable thickness. When layout, put data in the middle of disc (ve 『tical direction) .The distance between tooth data and disc su斤ace should be at least 1mm. Connector should be placed in the most p「otruding position on buccal side. The thickness of connec tor should be 2mm. (as picture shows) � Place the disc: Directing arrow is seen on the side of “Multilayer" disc. The arrow points at the direction of incisal, namely the pa同of disc showing shallowe 「 colo 「 3. Separation of Restoration and Cleaning Separation of restoration: Using technician specialized hand piece and grinding head to separate restorations from blocks. Before grinding, a towel should be put on the desk to avoid restorations droppi 「1 g on desk and crack O『 b「eak.When operating, hand needs to find a fulc「um: hand piece speed should be co「1t『。lied at 10000-12000rev/min. And then the connecto 「 need to be polished successively i 「1 one di 『ection. Don' t separate one con 『1 ector completely o忏 at one time; Finally, the rest of co「rnecto「 could be polished slightly.It is not advised to make too much adjustme门t on the restorations in soft condition to avoid subfissu『E O『 chipping and so on. Cleaning: Clean up the powde「 on surface and inner side of 「estorations with b「ush. If cleaning is not thorough, unclea门ed powder will contaminate colo「 liqL」id when dyeing a 「1 d the uncleaned powder will stay on the surface a门d inne 「 side of 「estorations after high temperature sintering, forming white spots and the「efore having negative e忏ect on esthetics and positioning of rest口『ations. 4. Sintering Preparation: Step 1: check the zirconium beads Firstly, inspect the color, shape, number of the zi 「conium beads. If the yellowing and mutilated zirconium beads a「e found, they should be replaced immediately. Secondly, check the adhesive zirconium bead. If any adhesive zi 「co 「1ium beads have been found, please separate them and ensure the mobility. The enti 『E bottom of crucible should be covered bythe zirconium beads. Step 2: lnspect the sintering furnace, it is impo『tant to clean the furnace cavity in time if there is any contaminant there. Cleaning method: Scrap away the impurity in the chamber, then the wastezi 「conia materials can be put in the chambe 「 and sintering. The suggestion is to clean the sinte 「ing furnace once a week. Sintering: The dried resto 「ation with occlL』sion facing down should be put on the beads in sagger, then sinter s

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