

Catalog excerpts

T-OAE - 1

otoacoustic emissions

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T-OAE - 2

T-OAE 4000 As a world novelty, HOMOTH treads new paths in evaluating results of measured Otoacoustic Emissions. All measured data is classified according to signalstatistic and signaldynamic features. The result is transmitted to an expert system as parameter vectors. The expert system, containing more than 10.000 evaluated OAE measurements, compares all parameter vectors with the stored samples. The analysis module consists of an artificial neuronal network, supplemented by modern fuzzy logic. The result is transmitted to the personal computer, via USB port, and is presented on the...

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All Homoth Medizinelektronik catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs

  1. Audio4000

    2 Pages

  2. Bera

    2 Pages

  3. ENG

    2 Pages

  4. VNG

    2 Pages

  5. DP-OAE

    2 Pages

  6. Combi4000 M

    2 Pages

  7. Combi4000

    2 Pages

  8. Rhino4000 M

    2 Pages

  9. Rhino4000

    2 Pages

  10. Ultasound

    2 Pages

  11. Tymp4000 M

    2 Pages

  12. Tymp4000

    2 Pages