Catalog excerpts
BLACK LINE RUBBER DAM CLAMPS | An Exceptional Restoration Begins with Excellent Isolation ANTERIOR RUBBER DAM CLAMPS Hu-Friedy’s 48 clamps, made in the USA from proprietary stainless steel, provide full-mouth coverage. Flat jaws and high bow for small lower canines and first premolars. Slightly offset jaws for labial caries on anterior teeth. Offset flat jaws and stiff bow for anterior teeth. A dark coating allowing for improved intraoral contrast and visual acuity Flat jaws for labial caries on anterior teeth. Matte finish for decreased light reflection and glare Slightly offset staggered jaws for odd shaped anteriors. Satin Steel® which resists corrosion while aiding in flexibility and memory Offset flat serrated jaws for anterior teeth. MOLAR RUBBER DAM CLAMPS (GENERAL) Deeply festooned four-point jaws for molars. Deeply festooned jaws and extended bow for distal access to molars. Slightly festooned jaws for molars. Flat jaws designed for small upper left and lower right molars; paired with RDCM11. Flat jaws designed for small upper right and lower left molars; paired with RDCM10. Deeply festooned jaws for partially erupted or irregularly shaped molars. Deeply festooned jaws for partially erupted or irregularly shaped molars; larger than RDCM14. Deeply festooned jaws for partially erupted or irregularly shaped molars. Flat jaws and stiff bow for molars. Flat jaws for upper right and lower left molars; paired with RDCM25. Flat jaws for upper left and lower right molars; paired with RDCM24. Flat jaws for large molars. Visit us online at ©2018 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. Slightly festooned jaws for large molars. Slightly festooned serrated jaws for large partially erupted or irregularly shaped molars.
Open the catalog to page 1PREMOLAR RUBBER DAM CLAMPS COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS Flat jaws and high bow for longer premolars. Slightly festooned jaws for upper premolars. Deeply festooned jaws for canines and premolars. Flat jaws for larger premolars. Flat jaws for premolars. Flat serrated jaws for larger premolars. Flat jaws for premolars. Rubber Dam Punch-Ainsworth RDPA Flat jaws for lower premolars. Slightly festooned jaws for premolars. UPPER MOLAR RUBBER DAM CLAMPS Small, flat jaws with stiff bow for lower molars. Flat narrow jaws for small upper molars. Flat narrow jaws for small upper molars. Slightly festooned...
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