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RivoChemMSDS Report SDS Number: RF-SDS528 Revision Date: 15.12.2016 version: 1.0 The compilation of MSDS for Wax Disk was delegated by: Huliang(Shanghai) Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd Room 303, Building 5, Lane 2388 Xiupu Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, 201315 Futher, the MSDS was compiled pursuant to EU Regulation (EC) No 2015/830 and (EC) No 1272/2008 Please refer to the next pages for the full text of MSDS report Joey Zhang, manager Sally Wu, authoring specialist Signed for and on behalf of Shanghai Ruifu Co. . Ltd._ Shanghai Ruifu APPROVED wCo., Ltd ^ Shanghai Ruifu Co.,Ltd

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All HULIANG (SHANGHAI) BIO-TECH CO. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MSDS

    1 Pages

  2. Huliang

    1 Pages