Catalog excerpts

HEMODIALYSIS MACHINE DISINFECTANT Cleaner-Disinfectant-Sterilant tor hemodialysis unit based on peracetic acid HEMOCLEAN� is an acidic disinfectant, which has peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide as its main components. Its sterilizing speed is fast and its sterilizing power and cleaning power are excellent even at low temperature and low concentration. Moreover, it is easy to manage concentration under various conditions, has superior stability for long-term efficacy of the product, and is eco- friendly product that is completely decomposed in nature. It also has the character istics of continuous and effective removing ability for scales in devices and pipes. Since HEMOCLEAN® does not require special chemicals for a regular cleaning and disinfecting, it helps save electricity, water and time, greatly improving economic efficiency and user convenience. Cleaner and Disinfector for Hemodialysis machine US FDA/ European CE-certified Product Quick sterilizing power It sterilizes general bacteria in 1 minute, fungus in 5 minutes, and spore-forming bacteria in 15 minutes. Peracetic acid, the main components of HEMOCLEAN®, quickly eliminates a variety of microorganisms in the hemodialysis machine. 11 Effective cleaning power It suppresses and effectively removes scale (CaC03) and biofilm formation without specific cleaning agent, thus preventing device failure and extending life. Easy-to-use It is automatically diluted and sterilized based on the program of hemodialysis machine depending on users and conditions. Eco-friendly It is decomposed in the process of drainage and does not emit toxic substances, not causing environmental pollution.2l Reference 1 I Rutala WA. Weber DJ and HCPAC, Gooe! ne fa, d�infection and sleriliZation in hea tllcare facili:ies, CDC, 2WI. 2) Perac:elic ACld(CAS No. 79--21--0) and tts EqL<1brium Solutions. ECETOC: Europea11 Cenlre !0< EcotoXJCO!ogy ru,d Toxicology Of Cherr1Cals, January
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ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS Superior Biocidal activity HEMOCLEAN® Is decomposed with water and carbon dioxide through the reaction with microorganism's protein components and dialysis metabolites. In this decomposition process, does not release any toxic substance like formaldehyde. Therefore, it can dispose easily without any chemical treatment and the wastewater does not pollute the environment after being drained. S. aureus ATCC 6538 ln-Vrtro test •o;rty conditions h E . irae A T CC 1054 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P. 89ruginosa ATCC 15442 S. aureus ATCC 6538 Simulated test E. hirae ATCC 10541...
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MTW-01 (Endoscope Washer)
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