VariCam lineup
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VariCam lineup - 1


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VariCam lineup - 2

A New Vision and Revolution in Filmmaking — Cinema VariCam 2

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VariCam lineup - 3

The Cinema VariCam line of cameras has been used on a wide variety of movies, commercials, and TV programs, and is renowned for its color reproduction, look, and for bringing progressive workflows to the production industry. This technology and know-how are now invigorating a new lineup — VariCam Pure*, VariCam 35 and VariCam LT. * Codex V-RAW Recorder of the VariCam Pure is a product of Codex. 3

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VariCam lineup - 4

y initial interest in the VariCam 35 was the claim of 5000 ASA equivalent being a usable proposition. With the aid of a few friends I was able to do comparison tests with the potential alternatives. These tests verified the claim of a totally usable result that was able to be intercut with the 800 ASA standard. These tests also produced another advantage of the VariCam. It was obvious to all of us doing these tests that the VariCam sustained better color rendition in the lowlight conditions. Also when viewing the more normal 800 result I assessed the VariCam appeared to have a wider and...

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VariCam lineup - 5

ou can get a lot of saturation from different cameras. The VariCam is no exception - you can certainly get a lot of color out of it as well. On Just Add Magic, I tested the VariCam thoroughly before both seasons, and instead of focusing on saturation, we pursued the most pleasing and natural looking color palette. The camera excelled at this, as well as delivering clean 4K images with natural dynamic range." shot a test under various types of street lights and thought it was amazing how the camera was handling all these different sources. We were able to do a very minor overall...

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VariCam lineup - 6

Natural, Organic, Filmic Look Cinematic VariCam Look “I Super 35mm Native 4K Sensor Natural Color Pallet The super 35mm sensor is developed especially for the Color separation filter is well optimized to get Cinematic Cinematic VariCam Look. All models of Cinema VariCam VariCam look. It offers natural color & accurate color linearity. series are equipped with the same sensor. New color space "V-Gamut" encompasses the entire BT. 2020 This sensor won The Hollywood Post Alliance color space. Engineering Excellence Award 2015. 14+ Stops of Wide Latitude HDR and BT.2020 Compatible "V-Log" with...

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VariCam lineup - 7

Don't be afraid of the Dark Dual Native ISO, 800 & 5000 “O Shooting with ISO 5000. (Short Film “It's a Mess” by Frank Prinzi, ASC) The Game Changing Native 5000 ISO It's very unique, this sensor has two native ISO settings: 800 • Capture with very low available light with rich color and 5000. This means you can have two film stocks in one • Get DoF even in dark situation camera. Especially native 5000 ISO offers very high sensitivity • Eliminate amount of additional lighting • Eliminate time to change lighting for slow motion In order to achieve this function two dedicated analog circuits •...

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VariCam lineup - 8

Simple Color Management In-Camera Color Grading V-Log Recording Contents Master Clip (V-Log) .MXF Graded SDI-OUT Wired LAN Grading Control Onset Grading In-Camera Color Grading In-camera color grading function enables color decision on set with 3rd party application. Grading information such as 3D LUT files and CDL files can be recorded together with the master clip, allowing you to provide the same vision you created on set to the post-production. This process does not require an external BOX. In addition the applied CDL/LUT will be recorded in the recording media for each clip with same...

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VariCam lineup - 9

Multi Codec 4K Recording 4K/UHD uncompressed RAW Pro Res Best Quality & Best Capability High Picture Quality & Manageable file size Industry Standard Codec Uncompressed RAW VariCam support the demand for RAW. VariCam chooses "uncompressed RAW" for Best Quality & Best Capability in post. V-RAW for VariCam Pure The Codex V-RAW2.0 Recorder supports uncompressed 4K resolution RAW recording with a frame rate up to 120 fps. Cinema DNG for VariCam LT VariCam LT can output the uncompressed RAW from SDI output terminals and external recorder records it as Cinema DNG data. Recorders supporting -...

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VariCam lineup - 10

Large-Diameter OLED Viewfinder Large-diameter OLED viewfinder Versatility for creative shooting Extension Module AU-VEXT1G Extension Module and AU-VCBL05G Extension Cable Accurate Viewing Extension Module High-resolution OLED panel shows very clear & accurate image, no lag, low latency, very sharp, VariCam Pure & VariCam 35 are modular design. accurate color. You can check the exposure, color and focusing on this VF correctly. Extension module can be docked between camera module and recording module, Creature Comforts Wide field angle with viewfinder magnification of 0.78x and Large-...

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VariCam lineup - 11

Operate Remotely VariCam Remote Control App Incredible Fast Offload expressP2 x Thunderbolt™ 3 AU-XPD3 expressP2 drive and expressP2 card B series VariCam ROP App VariCam ROP is a control application that enables the remote control of VariCam series. It can provide a GUI that is close to the control panel on the camera. It is designed the users to control the camera without feeling uncomfortable. Incredible Fast Offload, expressP2 x Thunderbolt™ 3 The expressP2 card B series has 10 Gbps data offload speed. The AU-XPD3 expressP2 drive, equipped with "Thunderbolt™ 3" interface, brings out the...

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VariCam lineup - 12

VariCam Line-Up Three VariCam models are available to meet user needs. These models fully cover the diverse applications required for cinema production. Whichever one you choose, you'll receive the "VariCam Look" of high-quality images based on the Super 35mm Image Sensor. VariCam Pure Uncompressed 4K V-RAW Cinema Camera with Codex Excellent System Expansion and Operating Ease Uncompressed RAW offers best possible images today and This high-end model provides the highest level of picture future-proofing their content. You can capture "Pure" image of quality. Combining the 4K camera module,...

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All I-Pro catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ac30_handbook

    48 Pages

  2. Lineup

    76 Pages

  3. AG-AC30

    4 Pages

  4. EVA1 book

    92 Pages

  5. EVA1

    20 Pages

  6. VariCam LT

    8 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. GP-MH310

    2 Pages