Catalog excerpts

AIR DISINFECTION FOGGER STAINLESS STEEL 316 L Specially designed to be used with Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid Copyright 2020 - PROPERTY OF IBL COMPANY
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J E T B I O 2020 | G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N AIRBORNE DISINFECTING MACHINE The JETBIO 2020 machine allows disinfecting the surfaces of a room without human intervention. Fully automatic, simply position it in the room, adjust the TIMER and start it! Specially designed to be used with Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid JETBIO can treat a volume up to 2000 m3 TIMER : DIGITAL TIMER Mobile and very user-friendly Bactericidal - Virucidal - Sporicidal - Fongicidal - Yeasticidal Benefits of airborne disinfection Dry misting is a process that allows the volume of a room to be saturated...
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J E T B I O 2020 |G E N E R A L DATA Presentation of the machine NOZZLE VORTEX CARRYING WRIST AIR FILTER TIMER DIGITAL PRODUCT FLOW SETTING Technical data weight Electrical/Power Stainless steel inox 316 L Electrical Turbine + venturi Adjustable from 5 to 300mL/m 2000m3 Stainless steel inox 304 L Technology VORTEX Product flow 320mm EXEMPLE : 2000 M3 MIST 16 ML PER MINUTES OR 99 MINUTS OF MIST CONSUMPTION: 1.6 LITERS OF DISINFECTANT Copyright 2020 - PROPERTY OF IBL COMPANY
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J E T B I O 2020 | H O W TO U S E I T Operation The stages of airborne surface disinfection with JETBIO 2020 Warning ! The surfaces to be disinfected must be clean. Positioning of the machine in the room, adjusting the flow rate if necessary and switching on. Orient the nozzle at 45 ° towards a wall or a wall in order to create a circular “Vortex” effect Contact time to be defined according to the volume to be disinfected. Ventilation of the room to return to a low level of oxygen peroxide concentration (1 ppm of H202). APABIO disinfectant Entirely eco-friendly disinfecting agent: here is...
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