Catalog excerpts

GENERAL DATA STAMBIO Copyright 2013 - SAS IBL Specifik’s property
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S TA M B I O | G E N E R A L DATA AIRBORNE DISINFECTING MACHINE The STAMBIO enables an airborne disinfection of any surface in contact with the air by saturating a room with a disinfecting agent. It combines two technologies (steam and compressed air) which can be used together or in separate rooms. The disinfecting process is entirely automated and can be done without any human intervention. STAMBIO Complies with the AFNOR NF T 72-281 standard STAMBIO can treat a volume up to 1000 m3 Pre-schedule of 10 different rooms Two methods: automated or manual (for steam) Bactericidal - Virucidal -...
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S TA M B I O | H O W TO U S E I T APABIO product (5 liters) Steam module Steam outlet Ground-fault circuit interrupter Control panel Technical data Weight Steam flow Steam pressure / temperature Product flow Spraying mode Total power Copyright 2013 - SAS IBL Specifik’s property
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S TA M B I O | F O N C T I O N N E M E N T Disinfecting with the STAMBIO system requires 4 steps: Warning ! Surfaces to be disinfected must always be cleaned before. Place the machine in the room you want to disinfect. Schedule your disinfection cycle (see instructions) and quit the room. Wait for the 2-hour contact time to let the disinfectant take action. Ventilate the room in order to reduce the hydrogen peroxyde concentration (1 ppm of H202). APABIO disinfectant Entirely eco-friendly disinfecting agent: here is the soft and harmless disinfecting solution for mankind and environment. •...
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S TA M B I O | E F F I C I E N C Y A N D R E S U LT S DISINFECTION RESULTS WITH THE STAMBIO - APABIO PAIR Tested strains d = reduction rate = disinfecting action Bactericidal action Pseudomonas aeruginosa CIP 103.467 Yeasticidal action Candida albicans ATCC 10-231 Fungicidal action Penicillium verrucosum var. cyclopium ATCC 16.404 Sporicidal action Bacillus subtilis CIP 52.62 The machine / product pair was approved by the IRM, the COFRAC’s (French Comitee of Accreditation) commissioned laboratory, for the NF T 72-281 disinfection standard (2009 edition). Staphylococcus aureus Aspergillus...
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