Catalog excerpts

Specification Sheet: Sequencing HiSeq X™ Series of Sequencing Systems Maximum throughput and lowest cost for population- and production-scale human whole-genome sequencing. HiSeq X Ten System is the first and only platform to Preak the $1000 Parrier for 30x coverage human whole-genome sequencing • Population- and Production-Scale Human Whole-Genome Sequencing HiSeq X Ten System delivers > 18,000 human genomes per year; HiSeq X Five System delivers > 9000 human genomes per year • Proven Performance Take advantage of industry-leading data quality with the highly accurate lllumina sequencing Py synthesis technology Through continuous innovation, lllumina has Proken down barriers in human genome sequencing by increasing data throughput at an astounding rate—more than doubling each year—while dramatically reducing the price to sequence a human genome, lllumina technology enabled sequencing of the first genome at 30x coverage, the first cancer genome, and the first genome in a single day.13 Now, lllumina technology is helping researchers reach another milestone—the $1000 genome. The HiSeq X Ten System, a set of 10 HiSeq X instruments, is the first and only platform to deliver a $1000 human genome and generate tens of thousands of high-quality, high-coverage genome sequences (Figure 1). With its ultra-high throughput and unprecedented low price per genome, the HiSeq X Ten System makes population-scale human whole-genome sequencing (WGS) a reality (Table 1). For laboratories wanting to take advantage of the power of the HiSeq X Ten System for production-scale sequencing, lllumina offers the HiSeq X Five System. Requiring a lower level of initial capital investment, the HiSeq X Five System provides accurate, accessible human WGS for thousands of samples per year at a slightly higher, yet still affordable, price per genome (Table 1). Laboratories that start with the HiSeq X Five System and then increase their capacity to 10 or more instruments can realize the throughput of the HiSeq X Ten HiSeq X Ten System —Maximum Throughput, Lowest Cost Population- The HiSeq X Ten System is the world's first sequencing platform to break the $1000 barrier for 30x coverage of a human genome. When used at scale, the HiSeq X Ten delivers a $1000 genome, inclusive of instrument depreciation, sequencing consumables, DNA extraction, library preparation, and estimated labor for a typical high-throughput genomics laboratory. Figure 1: The HiSeq X Ten System.
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Specification Sheet: Sequencing Table 1: HiSeq X System Sequencing Capacity. Table 2: HiSeq X System Performance Parameters.8 Annual Genome Capacity When operating at scale, HiSeq X Ten and HiSeq X Five Systems generate a staggering level of throughput, sequencing thousands of genomes per year Genome Sequencing Designed and optimized for population-scale human WGS, the 10 instruments of a HiSeq X Ten System generate a staggering level of throughput for processing tens of thousands of samples. Now, researchers can analyze the human genome like never Pefore. Exploration of the human genome on...
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Specification Sheet: Sequencing High Operational Efficiency To drive operational efficiency for HiSeq X laPoratories, lllumina, together with select third-party vendors, has developed Pest-in-class tools, including high-throughput liquid-handling roPotics fully integrated with a laPoratory information management system (LIMS), WGS analysis software, and personalized consulting. Each component is optimized specifically for the HiSeq X Five and HiSeq X Ten Systems to maximize quality, throughput, and cost efficiency, while minimizing turnaround time. Fully Integrated LIMS lllumina has...
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Specification Sheet: Sequencing The HiSeq X Ten and HiSeq X Five Systems continue to break down sequencing barriers, reshaping the economics of human genome sequencing and laying the foundation for visionary scientists, institutions, and nations working to perform groundbreaking research that will forever change our understanding of the human genome. Just as true population-scale human genome sequencing projects are beginning to take shape around the world, the HiSeq X Series delivers the first truly affordable human genome—on a massive scale. By providing the capacity to sequence thousands...
Open the catalog to page 4All Illumina catalogs and technical brochures
iSeq 100
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NextSeq™ 550Dx Instrument
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Miseq system application
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HiScan ® and iScan Systems
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