Catalog excerpts

Software Supported Assessment of Osteoarthritis Based on Kellgren & Lawrence | OARSI Patient Name Patient Sex Patient ID Date of Birth Accession # Date of Capture Date of Analysis ImageBiopsy Lab KOALA Knee Pain Followup Patient 8129673 IP 2001-01-01 09:54 2020-02-19 15:09 Your logo here INTENDED USE IB Lab KOALA is a fully-automated image processing software intended to aid medical professionals in the assessment of the presence or absence of sclerosis, joint space narrowing, and osteophytes based OARSI criteria for these parameters; and, the presence or absence of radiographic knee OA based on Kellgren & Lawrence Grading of standing, fixed-flexion radiographs of the knee. The measurements include: ® Minimum joint space width ® Presence or absence of osteophytosis ® Presence or absence of osteoarthritis ® Presence or absence of sclerosis ® Presence or absence of joint space narrowing ZERO CLICKS, ZERO WORKFLOW CHANGES X-RAY KOALA™ PACS DICOM Viewer STREAMLINED REPORTING O Automated radiograph measurements and analysis O Customisable report structure ® Structured report in PACS and RIS ® Pre-population of report contents HIGH RISK Image analysis Structured summary report
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Software Supported Assessment of Osteoarthritis Based on Kellgren & Lawrence | OARSI ImageBiopsy Lab KOALA Knee Pain Followup Patient 8129673 Patient Name Patient Sex Patient ID Date of Birth Accession # Date of Capture Date of Analysis Your logo here 1 I I I / INTENDED USE IB Lab KOALA is a fully-automated image processing software intended to aid medical professionals in detecting signs of knee osteoarthritis (OA) based on standard joint parameters and OARSI criteria of standing radiographs of the knee. The measurements include: ® Minimum joint space width ® Sclerosis signs according to...
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image biopsy lab Software Supported Pediatric Bone Age Assessment IN THE U.S. AVAILABLE FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY Patient Name ImageBiopsy Lab PANDA Boneage advanced Patient logo Accession# 2459547137391579 here INTENDED USE IB Lab PANDA is a radiological image processing software intended to aid medical professionals in the estimation of paediatric bone age and growth potential from hand radiographs of children aged between 36 months and 172 months (girls) or 192 months (boys). ® Paediatric bone age according to Greulich & Pyle ® Height estimation according to Bayley & Pinnau Q Delayed /...
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Automated pre-operative measurement of hip positioning and pelvic morphology INTENDED USE IB Lab HIPPO is a fully-automated image processing so ware intended to aid medical professionals by providing an overview and measurements of the hip and pelvic morphology of a patient. These parameters are the basis for the preoperative diagnosis of common hip pathologies. Presence/absence of Dysplasia and FemoralAcetabular Impingement (FAI) based on the Lateral Center-Edge Angle (LCE) Measurement of height differences and orthograde angle of femoral heads for evaluation of pelvic obliquity...
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