Catalog excerpts

Cardio-AidTM 360-B Biphasic Defibrillator Color WVGA TFT LCD, LED backlight, adjustable brightness 800 x 480 x 3 pixels 170 degrees left/right and up/ down 5-stage indicator on screen and LED indicator when turned off Charge time Defibrillator Mode Defi electrodes Waveform Energy for external defibrillation Energy for internal defibrillation From paddles or front panel buttons, programmable for AED Innomed Medical Developing and Manufacturing Inc. H-1146 Budapest, Szabo Jozsef u. 12. Phone: (+36-1) 460-9200 Fax: (+36-1) 460-9222 E-mail: innomed@innomed.hu Web: www.innomed.hu Humidity 30%...95% (without condensation) Dimensi°ns active area 152.4 x 91.4 mm Type Resolution Viewing angle ECG window 4.4 sec at 25 mm/sec Type Built-In Power Factor 0.97 with Power Factor Correction Capacity More than 5 hours continuous Capacity monitoring or 200 shocks at 200J Indicator Less than 2 hours for full charge AED, manual and synchronized Paddles, Pads and Internal electrodes STARTM Biphasic Truncated Exponential Energy Selection Charge Time 2.7 sec to 200 J, 4.5 sec to 360 J Energy Availability Automatic disarm after 30 sec Patient Impedance Range 15..200 ohms with indicator Sync Time 40 msec typ. Mode Fixed Rate (VVO) Type Transthoracic non-invasive Waveform Rectilinear, constant current Pulse Width 40 msec Current Amplitude 0 and 20..200 mA, 1 mA resolution Patient Impedance Range 0..1000 ohms with indicator Innomed Medical Developing and Manufacturing Inc. H-1146 Budapest, Szabo Jozsef u. 12. Phone: (+36-1) 460-9200 Fax: (+36-1) 460-9222 E-mail: innomed@innomed.hu Web: www.innomed.hu ecg Source Number of leads 12 leads simultaneously wuamebser of displayed ECG 13 (12 leads and 1 rhythm) Gain 2.5, 5, 10, 20 mm/mV and Auto High-pass, mains (50/60 Hz) and adjustable Low-pass filters 15..300 bpm HR, Asystole, VF, VT Min. 2 mV 0.25 msec, max. 700 mV 2 msec Defibrillator protection Max. 400 J Overload Recovery Time < 3 sec, typ. Lead-Off detection For all leads Finger and sensor fall-off non-Invasive Blood Pressure (optional) Method Oscillometric Range Displayed values Alarms Capnography (optional) Type Main- and Sidestream Respiration Rate Display 2..150 rpm Alarms alarm System Levels 3-level intelligent alarm system Visual Alarm Multicolor, configurable Audible Alarm Different sounds, configurable Automatic Actions Internal memory Alarm conditions, manual events, shocks Capacity 10000 events minimum Export capability USB drive Report Browser Software On PC, from exported USB data Recorder (optional) Type Thermal Strip-Chart Recorder Online, Stored Waves, Stored Events 12 channel ECG printout Simultaneous, in 3x4 format Events, Device Information, Date, Reports Time, Modes, Parameters, Patinet name All brand names and logos are owned by the respective companies. All rights reserved! We reserve the right for modifications! Cardio-AidTM 360-B Biphasic Defibrillator Heart Rate Display Alarms Pacemaker detection SpO2 Range Resolution Pulse Rate Alarms 1..100 % 1 % 20..300 bpm For Lower and Upper limits, No Systolic: 40..260 mmHg, Diastolic: 25..200 mmHg Systolic, Diastolic, Mean, Rate, Time of Last Measurement For Lower and Upper limits and cuff fault For Lower and Upper limits and sensor fall-off Event Storage, Automatic Printout (configurable) Data Storage Type Stored events Automatic Printing Gain Speed
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Accessories and options Multifunctional paddles state-of-the-art technologies which make quick lifesaving possible. chest impedance. The current patient impedance Event storage and printing The event storage system is capable of storing practically unlimited number of events, which can language range: display messages, labels, manu- be printed out online or offline, or even exported to Transcutaneous pacer 360 Joule Cardio-Aid™ 360-B delivers a biphasic shock even at 360 J energy level if it is necessary. 2.7 sec typical charging time* The exceptionally short charging time ensures the...
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