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Catalog excerpts

CardioPC/E - 1

Cardio PC/E Rest and exercise ECG diagnostic system with bicycle and/or treadmill ergometer Flexible features for user’s needs Cardio PC/E system services • Customizable and standard exercise protocols • Flexible report content • Automatic control of bicycle and treadmill ergometers • Automatic or manual blood pressure measurement • Graphic display of the exercise process and the measured parameters • Full-disclosure display and record storage • 3/6/12-channel real-time monitoring in any lead order • Digital baseline filter • Real time measured parameters and analysis on the averaged curves: axis position, amplitude (P,Q,R,S,T,ST,J), time parameters (P width, PQ distance, QRS width, QT distance), heart frequency calculation • Alarms: heart-frequency, ST level change, blood- pressure level • Exercise graph: load level, HR, blood-pressure, RPP, revolutions, ES, SVES, VES, QT interval • Display of loading in MET • Target heart frequency definition based on age • Borg-scale • Duke score nomogram • Weber functional arrangement • Calculating aerob capacity decrease • Use of Bayes-law for examination evaluation • Making hyperventilation ECG record • Built-in customizable storage and printed reports • Documentation of angina, medication intake and pre-examination medication Reliable automatic measurement analysis functions • Heart frequency dependent ST measurement and analysis • Arrhythmia analysis • Real-time axis position, amplitude and time-parameter measurement

Open the catalog to page 1
CardioPC/E - 2

System components: • CardioPC rest and exercise ECG diagnostic program • High end, scientific level CardioPC USBH-12 as 12-channel measuring head or HeartScreen 112 Clinic ECG • Bicycle and/or treadmill ergometer • Patient cable with electrodes • High-performance PC-based diagnostic system • Large color monitor • Laser printer • Innobase for Windows cardiological database management system Options: • Automatic blood-pressure measurement for bicycle ergometer and/or treadmill • Suction electrode ECG cable system • Device trolley TECHNICAL DATA /with USBH-12 head/ Measuring head/Pc interface...

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All Innomed Medical catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. Cardio PC/E

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  6. ArguSys++

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Archived catalogs

  1. InnoCare VET

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  2. InnoCare-CC

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  3. InnoCare-S

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