MiniD Series


Catalog excerpts

MiniD Series - 1

Mi ni DSer i esMi niBl ockHeat er s Mi ni DSer i esmi ni dr ybat hi ncubat or sar easer i esofappl i cat i onsi nl i f esci ences,mol ecul arbi ol ogy ,envi r onmentandi ndust r yl abor at or i es,andavar i et yofappl i cat i onsi ncl udi ngi ncubat i on,enzymer eact i onsandi mmunoassays. Wi t hi t smi cr opr ocessorcont r ol ,i tshowsi t sel fonest epahead. Mi cr opr ocessorcont r ol l edMi ni Dser i esdr ywashi ngi ncubat or sut i l i zet her moel ect r i ccont r olsyst em wi t hmanyadvant ages. Wi t hmanydi f f er entmet alsampl ebl ocks,t hedevi cecanbeadapt edt omanysampl et ypesanddi f f er entcondi t i ons. Havi ngasmal lsi zeal l owsi tt obeeasi l yl ocat edi nevent hemostcr owdedenvi r onment s. Feat ur es; 1.Easyt oI nst al landuseLCDScr een. 2.Mi ni DSer i esi sper sonal i zedenought of i ti nsi det hepal m. 3.Si mul t aneousDi spl ayshowi ngact ualandsett emper at ur eandt i meval ues. 4.Temper at ur edevi at i onset t i ngt hatmeet sdi f f er entneeds. 5.Theal ar m si gnalaf t ert hepr ogr am hasended. 6.Pr ovi desser vi ceaccor di ngt oyourneedswi t hmor et hanoneki ndofbl ocks.I ti sal soeasyt ocl eananddi si nf ect . Techni calSpeci f i cat i ons; Model Mi ni DC Mi ni D Mi ni D100 Temp.Cont r olRange( RT) 0° C-100° C +5° C-80° C +5° C-100° C Ti mi ngRange 1-999mi nor1-999sec Temp.Cont r ol Accur acy ±0. 5° C Temp.Cont r ol Accur acyat( 40° C) ±0. 3° C Di spl ayAccur acy ±0. 1° C Heat i ngTi me( 25° Ct oMax.Temp. ) ≤20mi n ≤12mi n ≤15mi n Cool i ngTi me( 25° Ct o0° C) ≤25mi n N/ A N/ A Heat i ngLi d N/ A N/ A N/ A Heat i ngLi dTemp.Range N/ A N/ A N/ A PowerSuppl y DC12V DC12V DC24V Di mensi on( LxWxH) ( mm) 162x1 10x140 150x1 10x100 152x120x1 12 Wei ght( kg) 1 0. 5 0. 8 www. i novi a. com. t r I NOVI ALABi sa

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