Catalog excerpts
Mi ni Fl uoSer i esFl uor omet er s Mi ni Fl uo Ser i es dual channel Fl uor omet er s pr ovi de hi ghpr eci si on f l uor escence det ect i on when measur i ng nucl ei caci dsandpr ot ei ns,andpr ovi deseasyhandl i ng wi t hasi mpl ei nt er f ace. MSP Ser i es Mi cr o Spect r ophot omet er si n ourpr oduct r ange measur et he concent r at i on and pur i t y oft he sampl e. I nmeasur i ngt hef l uor escencei nt ensi t yoft hef l uor escent r eagentassoci at edwi t ht het ar getmol ecul ef orr eadi ng t hesampl econcent r at i on,r eadoff l uor omet eri sgener al l y l owert hant heMSPser i espr oduct s,buti smor eaccur at e. Feat ur es; 1.4. 3i ncht ouchscr een,smal landeasyt ousei nt er f ace. 2.Easyandf astmeasur ementwi t hi n3secondsf orDNA, RNAandpr ot ei n. 3.Hi ghsensi t i vi t y" LowestDNAdet ect i onl i mi ti s0. 5pg/ ul . " 4.Twoopt i calchannel s-Equi ppedwi t ht wof l uor escent channel sf ornucl ei caci d. 5.Li nearDynami cRange-Fi veor derofmagni t ude. 6.Openi ngsyst em -Youcanmat cht hei nst r umentwi t h t her eagentyouchoose. 7.Cansavemor et han1, 000dat aandout putdat awi t h USBpor t . 8.Adapt er :0. 5mlqPCR t ubeadapt er ,0. 2mlqPCR t ube adapt er Techni calSpeci f i cat i ons; Model Mi ni Fl uo1 Mi ni Fl uo2 Mi ni Fl uo3 Li ghtSour ce LED Dynami cRange Fi veor der sofmagni t ude Li nearDynami cRange R>0. 995 Repeat abi l i t y <1. 5% St abi l i t y <1. 5% Sensi t i vi t ydsDNA 0. 5ng/ ml Measur ementSpeed 3s( Once) Di mensi on( WxDxH) 194x155x72. 5mm Wei ght 0. 4Kg UV 365±20nm 420480nm ( 60nm) 460±20nm 525570nm ( 45nm) 460±20nm 525570nm ( 45nm) Bl ue 460±20nm 525570nm ( 45nm) 625±10nm 670725nm ( 55nm) 525±20nm 575640nm ( 65nm) Mi ni Fl uoMeasur i ngKi t Hi ghsensi t i vi t yofdsDNAQuant i t at i onKi t :0. 2100ng Hi ghsensi t i vi t yofssDNAQuant i t at i onKi t :1200ng Br oadr angeofdsDNAQuant i t at i onKi t :1001600ng Pr ot ei nQuant i t at i onKi ti sr esear chi ng www. i novi a. com. t r I NOVI ALABi sabr andofI NOVI ATECHNOLO
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MiniD Series
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Thermal Cycler for PCR
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ProH Series
4 Pages