MSP-100 UV-VIS Micro Drop Spectrophotometer
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MSP-100 UV-VIS Micro Drop Spectrophotometer - 1

MSP100UVVI SMi cr oDr opSpect r ophot omet er MSP100i sabasi cf ul l spect r um mi cr oUVVI S Spect r ophot omet erwi t hwavel engt hr angesf ornucl ei caci dand pr ot ei n( A280,BCA,Br adf or d,Lowr y)measur ement s. Wi t ht hest at eof t hear tMSP100Mi ni Spect r ophot omet er , whi chal l owsyout omeasur eyourhi ghconcent r at i onofnucl ei caci dsampl eswi t houtdi l ut i on,youranal ysi scanbe shor t ert han8seconds. TheMSP100f eat ur esaCCD det ect orwi t hsi mpl esof t war eandal ongl ast i ngXenonl i ghtsour ce. Wi t ht hehel pofasi mpl epi pet t e,t he0. 5-2ul sampl ewi l l be pl acedont hepedest alandt hesampl i ngar m wi l lbel ower edandt heMSP100wi l l per f or m anaut omat i canal ysi si n l esst han7seconds. I ti sasyst em t hatwi l l pr ovi demor eef f ect i ver esul t sf orabi ol ogyl abor at or yconduct i ngr esear chi nl i f esci ences. Thesi mpl estandmosti dealsol ut i onf oryourenzyme, DNA,nucl ei caci dandUVVI Smeasur ement s! Feat ur es; 1.Maki ng i nst antmeasur ement swi t houtl amp war mup t i me. 2.Scansbet ween200-800nm i nl esst han7sec. 3.User f r i endl ysof t war ewi t hf r eesof t war eupdat e. 4.Theamountandpur i t yofnucl ei caci ds,pr ot ei ns,et c.r equi r esonl y0. 5-2ulofsampl est oaccur at el ydet er mi ne measur ement s. 5.Xenonf l ashl ampwi t hupt o10year sdur abi l i t y . Techni calSpeci f i cat i ons; Model Wavel engt hRange Sampl eSi ze Pat hLengt h Li ghtSour ce Det ect orType Wavel engt hAccur acy Spect r alResol ut i on Absor bancePr eci si on Absor banceAccur acy Absor banceRange Det ect i onRange Measur ementTi me Dat aOut put Di mensi ons( WxDxH) ( mm) Wei ght Sampl ePedest alMat er i al Oper at i ngVol t age Oper at i ngPowerConsumpt i on St andbyPowerConsumpt i on Sof t war eCompat i bi l i t y 2 MSP100 200~800nm 0. 5~2. 0ul 0. 2mm ( Forhi ghconcent r at i onmeaswr ement ) 1. 0mm ( Foror di nar y) Xenonf l ashl amp 3864el ementl i nearsi l i conCCDar r ay 1nm ≤3nm ( FWHM atHg546nm) 0. 003Abs 1% ( 7. 332Absat260nm) 0. 02-90A 2-4500ng/ ul( dsDNA) <8s ConnectPC 200x250x166 2. 6kg Al umi num al l oyandQuar t zf i ber 24VDC 20W 5W Wi nXP,Wi ndows7,Wi ndows8 www. i novi a. com. t r I NOVI ALABi sabr andofI NOVI ATECHNOLOGY.

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