Catalog excerpts
Pr oH6000R The Pr oH6000R r ef r i ger at ed homogeni zer/t i ssue shr eddersyst em usest he basi cf eat ur esoft hePr oH6000syst em andhasabui l t i npower f ulcompr essor . Whi l el owt emper at ur escanpr eventt hi s,par t i al act i vei ngr edi ent sar eadver sel yaf f ect edwhenconvent i onalmet hodsar eusedt ohomogeni zemostsof torsensi t i ve sampl esatr oom t emper at ur e. Ther ef or e,t hecool i ngt echni quehasbeendevel opedasanef f ect i vemet hodt or ecovert heent i r esampl e,andi naddi t i on,t hesampl ewi l lbeeasi erandmor eef f ect i vel yhomogeni zed. Andasar esul t ,t hePr oH6000Rcool edhomogeni zerpl aysani mpor t antr ol ei nt he ext r act i onpr ogr essi onofDNAandt hedet er mi nat i onofpr ot ei nact i vi t y ThePr oH6000Homogeni zat i onsyst em homogeni zeshar dsampl esi nawi de r ange,f ast ,ef f ect i veandr epr oduci bl e,i ncl udi ngt i ssuesandcel l s.I ti sal sohi ghl y ef f ect i vei ni mpact r esi st antspeci menssuchasbone.Pr oH6000al l owst her el easeofmol ecul essuchasDNA,RNA,Pr ot ei n,Enzyme,et c.f r om t hemostdemandi ngsampl eswi t ht hespeci alchur ni ngsyst em andbeadedt ubesofdi f f er ent si zes. Pr oH1000 ThePr oH1000i sbui l toni nnovat i vedesi gnanddesi gnedf orper sonaluse. I ti st hecheapestandmostcost ef f ect i vepr oductf orsmal lspaceswi t hl owvol ume. Wi t hawi der angeofper f or mancef r om 4t o7m /s,wepr ovi deaf astandsuccessf ulsol ut i on. Compat i bl ewi t hvar i oust ubesupt o6x0. 5/1. 5/2. 0or2x5ml . Pat entdesi gn f ordampi ng i nst i t ut i ons and ul t r aqui etoper at i on even athi gh speeds. www. i novi a. com. t r I NOVI ALABi sabr andofI NOVI ATECHNOLOGY.
Open the catalog to page 1ai n,Tumor s ThePr oHSer i esi sdesi gnedt oel i mi nat et heneedf or 1.Bone,Br am bact er i a+oranyr esear cher swhoneedGenomi cDNA,t ot al RNA, 2.Gr 3.Yeast ,Mushr oom,Spor t s orr ecombi nantpr ot ei nasst ar t i ngmat er i al . 4.Seeds,Root s 5.Feces,Swabs 1.Nor t her nbl otanal ysi s,qPCRandmi cr oar r ays 6.Soi l ,Sedi ment s 2.Opt i mi zat i onofr ecombi nantpr ot ei nexpr essi on 3.Li br ar ysynt hesi sandSout her nst ai ns *Gr i ndi ngt ubesar emustbehi ght hougnessandl ow 4.RTPCRanddi f f er ent i ali ndi cat or t emper at ur er esi st ance. 5.Pat hogenscr eeni ngofsoi lorwat er...
Open the catalog to page 2Pr oHSer i esHomogeni z er s Pr oH6000R 1.Lowestt emper at ur e:10° C 2.I nt er nalt ur bof anl ocat edi nhomogeni zedspace,keepi ngt emper at ur est abi l i t yat2° C. 3.Envi r onmentf r i endl ycompr essor . 4.Whenext r act i ngsampl essuchasRNA,Pr ot ei net c. ,t hecool i ngf unct i onef f ect i vel ypr event st her educt i onof sampl eact i vi t yf r om hi ght emper at ur e. 5.Hasdr yandwethomogeni zat i onf unct i on. www. i novi a. com. t r I NOVI ALABi sabr andofI NOVI ATECHNOLOGY.
Open the catalog to page 3Pr oHSer i esHomogeni z er s Gener alFeat ur es; 1." 3DRot at i ngHi ghSpeedMot i on"f orqui ckdi sr upt i onoft hosef i br oust i ssuesandr esi st antcel l s. 2.50Pr ogr ammabl ememor yset t i ngsanduseropt i onalcondi t i onset t i ngsf orPr oH6000andPr oH6000R 3.Awi der angeofr ot at i onspeedset t i ngsf r om 4. 0m/ st o7. 0m/ s,i ncr ement0. 05m/ s. 4.Br ushl essmot orr eal i zi ngnobr ushpar t i cl egener at i onandnobr ushr epl acement . 5.Easyt or emovesampl et ubehol derandeasyt of i xsampl et ubeswi t ht het ur noft hecent r alknob. 6.Easyt omoni t ort hedi sr upt i onpr ocesst hr...
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