Intelligent Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
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Catalog excerpts

Intelligent Visual Reinforcement Audiometry - 1

IntelligentVRA Au t o m a t e d Vi s u a l R e i n fo r c e m e n t Au d i o m e t r y IntelligentVRA is an audiometric tool for automated behavioral hearing screening and testing of infants, children, and dicult-to-test patients. Quality, Flexibility, and Simplicity “Let our ingenuity make your testing easier.” Many Options, One Smart System

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Intelligent Visual Reinforcement Audiometry - 2

IntelligentVRA Three automated and flexible test routines in a single system. CAST T M OHTAT M Standard VRA Classication of Audiograms by Sequential Testing Optimized Hearing Testing Algorithm Standard Visual Reinforcement Audiometry Fast, ecient hearing screening that is based on scientically and clinically proven techniques. The routine selects the best-tting audiogram from a database of nine audiometric patterns. Provides a four-frequency threshold audiogram in a single test session while interleaving up to four selected test frequencies. An automated ‘step-up, step-down’ intensity...

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Intelligent Visual Reinforcement Audiometry - 3

Reinforcer Variety • Choose to activate lights and toys or lights only. • Pair specic stimuli to a particular toy. • Wide variety of animated gures to keep the patient’s attention. • Option to reinforce with video clips. • Choose from many of the included video clips or use your own video clips as reinforcers. • Includes a large variety of predened stimuli of the most commonly tested audiometric frequencies (500, 1k, 2k, and 4k Hz.) • Import your own custom sound les, including speech sounds. • Create your own sets of stimuli to use with any of the automated test routines. • Deliver sounds...

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Intelligent Visual Reinforcement Audiometry - 4

Smart Features Software • Accurate, quick, ecient, and cost-eective hearing screening and testing. • Automatic testing procedures allow a single examiner to easily administer the test and be free to focus on patient behavior. • Default parameters provide fast start-up and testing. • Built-in automated test routines: • Fast screening using the CASTTM (Classication of Audiograms by Sequential Testing) algorithm. • Built-in four frequency threshold detection audiogram using the OHTATM (Optimal Hearing Threshold Algorithm) • Standard Clinical VRA, a ‘5-up/5-down’ test procedure. • Automated VRA...

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All Intelligent Hearing Systems catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Video VRA

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  2. SmartEP

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  3. LIPP

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  4. SmartAud

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  5. SmartOAE

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  6. PetScreener

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  7. SmartEP-ASSR

    2 Pages

  8. SmartEP

    4 Pages