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END Mills


Catalog excerpts

END Mills - 1


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END Mills - 2

End mills are an extremely important factor in achieving quality products in CAD/CAM milling technology. During the milling, they also affect the cost-effectiveness of the entire process. Our end mills are designed for use in open milling units that allow for mounting drills of 6mm diameter, with a total length of 50mm. These end mills can also be used with Interdent milling units: CC POWER and CC COS O+. Drills for CC newCHIC, M CC TRENDY and CC newCOSMO are not included in this catalogue. 20 mm End mills are available with or without a ring, depending on the mounting system of your...

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END Mills - 4

End mills for CoCr are used for milling frameworks for crowns and bridges, bars, toronto bridges and implant supported restorations. The presented work was made in our milling center in Slovenia using the Interdent disc CC DISK NF CoCr.

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End mills - CoCr and Ti Size (mm) Milling options

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End mills - Universal Size (mm) Milling options

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END Mills - 8

Zr end mills are used for milling frameworks or full anatomical crowns and bridges, inlays, onlays, toronto bridges and implant supported restorations. The presented work was made in our milling center in Slovenia using the Interdent disc CC DISK Zr.

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END Mills - 10

PMMA end mills are used for milling frameworks or full anatomical restorations, provisionals, temporary crowns, bases for total, partial and temporary prostheses and much more. The presented work was made in our milling center in Slovenia using the Interdent disc CC DISK PMMA.

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END Mills - 12

CAD/CAM milling machines CAD/CAM materials INTERDENT d.o.o. Opekarniška cesta 26 · 3000 Celje · SLOVENIA T: +386 (0)3 425 62 00 · E: CAD/CAM milling and print center

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All Interdent catalogs and technical brochures

  1. CAD/CAM System

    25 Pages