Catalog excerpts

The world's fastest Spiral® plater
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Our quality for your lab • Designer and manufacturer for microbiology • &D leadership for innovative and reliable products R • orldwide distribution network in more than 130 countries W • Made in France interscience R&D center and manufacturing plant Mourjou FRANCE Spiral method: 35 years experience ® The Spiral® method was designed in 1973 to automate the routine work of bacterial enumeration by Dr. Ed Campbell, researcher at the FDA (Food & Drug Administration). With François Jalenques, friend and founder of interscience, they patented an updated method in 1992. Since then Spiral®...
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What is Spiral method? ® With easySpiral® automatic plater, increase your lab capacity with a counting range from 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on one single Petri dish without prior dilution. Manual plating method Automatic Spiral® method This method requires repetitive actions: at least 4 dilutions and 4 successive platings are necessary to obtain one good and readable Petri dish. dilution 1/10 With this method, make your analyses on 1 single Petri dish! + sample - sample Disinfectant Sterile water • rom 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL F on 1 single Petri dish • Up to 75% less consumables • Full plating cycle...
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easySpiral revolutionary efficiency ® The new easySpiral® patented technology, exclusively developed by interscience, allows the automatic plating of your sample on a Petri dish in only 25 seconds with a decreasing concentration (counting range: from 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL). A completely new architecture with a revolutionary rotating arm allows a full cycle in 25 seconds (disinfection, sample-taking and plating). All the liquid flows are visible. No exterior maintenance is needed. easySpiral® is equipped with an innovative unique stylus cleaning device, which guarantees a perfect cleaning and...
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easySpiral® ensures fast sample platings with 99.5% repeatability and reproducibility, and reliable analyses by harmonizing the work of the whole lab team. Cleaning liquid sensor Alarm when the bottle is empty Rotating arm architecture Automatic full cycle: 25 seconds PATENTED Modular Petri dish stand Switch from 90 to 150 mm Petri dishes Intuitive control panel Easy to use No training needed Monthly cleaning 1 button to access the intensive, periodic cleaning cycle (10 mn approx.) FDA BAM Bacteriological Analytical Manual Product made for INTERSCIENCE by Interlab, an ISO 9001 certified...
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easySpiral® technology International PATENTS Delivering the fastest cycle time ever, easySpiral® has an impressive rotating arm architecture, new patented disinfection system avoiding risks of cross-contamination and full traceability of the operations with a counting range from 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on 1 Petri dish. The fastest Spiral® plater: only 25 seconds for a full cycle! • 25 seconds for a full cycle (disinfection, sample-taking and plating) • Rotating arm with high speed movement • Patented electronic robot system • 10 Petri dishes plated in less than 2 mn (with the same sample)...
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Plate & Count System + dataLink™ ® Plate & Count System® + dataLinkTM offer quick and reliable results from automatic plating to colony counting with total traceability. GREAT SAVINGS: Up to 75 % savings in time, consumables and space QUICK: Full plating cycle in 25 seconds and counting in 1 click. No need of manual data input as the Scan® colony counter retrieves it and adjusts automatically. R ELIABLE: Repeatable and reproducible results up to 98 % FULL TRACEABILITY WITH Automatic saving of data and results easySpiral Pro® and Scan® 4000 How does it work ? STEP 1 Plate with easySpiral...
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Accessories APPLICATIONS • Microbiological analyses • Food quality control • Bacterial cinetics • MIC of antibiotics • Challenge test: cosmetics control • Pharmaceutical control easySpiral®: 1 plateau pour boites de Petri 0 90 mm (monte par defaut sur I’appareil), 1 flacon de colorant bleu, 1 seringue avec tube silicone, 1 grille de comptage Spiral pour boite de Petri de 0 90 mm, 1 support recipient pour test, 1 lot de 2 filtres, 1 000 godets DB50, 1 pot de detergent EnzyClear, 4 kits de raccordement pour bouteille GL45, 1 kit de raccordement double sortie pour bouteille GL45, 1 stylet, 1...
Open the catalog to page 8All INTERSCIENCE catalogs and technical brochures
interscience Catalog
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