Plate & Count system brochure


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Plate & Count system brochure - 1

Plate & Count system Automatic bacterial enumeration The winning team from sample to result

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Plate & Count system brochure - 2

interscience ■ Designer and manufacturer since 40 years ■ From sample prep’ to microbiological analysis ■ Immediate delivery around the world ■ Designed and made in France

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Fast bacterial enumeration with Plate & Count system + Automatic plating with easySpiral® Traceability system with dataLinkTM Colony counting with Scan® The Plate & Count system® with automatic diluting, plating and colony counting are now the perfect solution when it comes to meeting efficiency and traceability requirements for microbiological analyses. Boosting your lab work with top-of-the line technology made in France, easySpiral Dilute® innovative automatic diluter and plater, dataLinkTM traceability system and Scan® automatic colony counters, this fully automated system will...

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Configure your Plate & Count system Automatic sample plating Data traceability Without traceability easySpiral Liquid sample Traceability with dataLink™ Ref 410 100 * Without traceability Bacteriological Analytical Manual Certified production

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Automatic colony counting Automatic saving of counting data LIMS connection Audit trail Saving and archiving of the sessions PDF export Scan® software Incubation Excel™, OpenOffice™ results export CSV file results export

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What is Spiral method? With easySpiral® automatic platers, increase your lab capacity with a counting range from 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on 1 single Petri dish without prior dilution. Manual plating method Automatic spiral® method This method requires repetitive actions: at least 4 dilutions and 4 successive platings are necessary to obtain one good and readable Petri dish. With this method, make your analyses on 1 single Petri dish! Disinfectant Sterile water • From 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on 1 single Petri dish • Up to 75% less consumables • Full plating cycle in 25 seconds! CFU>300: not readable...

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easySpiral® Offers optimum features for easy Spiral® plating with excellent accuracy. Exponential plating mode For more information, please refer to easySpiral® and easySpiral Dilute® brochures

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Why use a colony counter? 1 Productivity Manual counting Automatic counting Counting time Counting time and results saving Results entry If you count at least 50 Petri dishes per day, with the Scan® you can reduce the reading time up to 80% as it counts up to 1000 colonies in 1 second. 2 Accuracy and repeatability Manual counting Automatic counting The results varies according to time and operator, and is therefore uncertain. The results are standardized and reproducible. Real CFU Study made on Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus casei The manual counting of colonies on...

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Scan® 300 Best value for money Scan® 500 The reference for daily analyses Scan® 1200 High performance levels on a wide range of media Minimum colony size: 0.1 mm Minimum colony size: 0.1 mm Minimum colony size: 0.05 mm Scan® 4000 Top-of-the-line technology with HD camera and unique lighting features Minimum colony size: 0.05 mm Inhibition zone Colony counting Top features Pour and surface mode For more information, please refer to Scan® and Scan® 4000 brochures

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Complete with dataLink™ All the sample data, from automatic plating (volume, dilution, plating mode…) to automatic colony counting (lighting settings) are recorded on the Datamatrix label. How does it work? STEP 1 Plate with easySpiral Pro® or easySpiral Dilute®. easySpiral® software collects the plating data. al Pro ® STEP 2 Print the label with Datamatrix. Stick the label on the plated Petri dish and place in the incubator. … 24-72 h incubation AUTO Once the colonies have grown, scan the Datamatrix. The Scan® colony counter automatically adjusts its settings thanks to the Datamatrix...

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Plate & Count system in labs ® easySpiral Dilute® + Scan® 1200: 2 hours of analysis time saved each day ACTALIA COFRAC accredited lab, quality expert for dairy companies. Number of analyses: 600/day Work with: DiluFlow®, BagMixer®, easySpiral Dilute®, Scan® 1200 W Why did you feel the need for an automatic plater? a W We need a device that can give us more than a classic spiral plater, e especially with the innovations of t the circle mode plating and the aut tomatic dilution. a smoother workflow and technical time, even though we already have an automatic plater. Combining it with the...

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BOSTON Phone: +1 781 937 0007 - Email: SHANGHAI Phone: +86 (0)21-64739390 - Email: SINGAPORE Phone: +65 6977 7232 - E-mail: TOKYO Phone: +81 3 6712 9715 - E-mail: Your local distributor 4732 Plate&Count_B 0222. Pictures and informations in this brochure are not contractually binding. Spiral®, easySpiral®, easySpiral Pro®, easySpiral Dilute®, Plate & Count System®, Scan® and dataLink™ are trademarks. This document is a translation of the french brochure ans is not contractually...

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