INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound
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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 1

Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound Interton - Essential Hearing Interton AS | Lautrupbjerg 7 | DK-2750 Ballerup Tel: +45 4575 1111 Founded in Germany in 1962, Interton today is part of one of the world's largest hearing instrument organisations, the GN Group. We use their proven core technology in a way that falls in line with our own way of doing things. We believe that most people need a straightforward, functional and easy-to-use hearing solution at a fair price. So that's what we give them.

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 2

A NEW approach to sound Interton Scope adopts a completely new approach to sound in order to provide your customers with more comfort, better spatial orientation and efcient feedback suppression. The Interton Scope comprises two complete families at two price ranges; Interton Scope 4 and Interton Scope 6. Interton Scope features a list of groundbreaking technologies: > SoundScape - Excellent Sound quality > Feedback Guard - No more whistling > Automatic Beam Width - Focus on what really matters Find out more on the following pages!

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 3

The unique SoundScape technology allows the wearer to experience a more comfortable sound and better spatial awareness - even with the instrument set in directional mode. SoundScape - for a richer sound For many wearers it may take some time to adapt to the sound of a new hearing instrument. Some nd it difcult to cope with the amplied sound and the changes in spatial orientation. The new SoundScape technology of Interton Scope is a completely new way of meeting these challenges. SoundScape has been developed to provide your customers with a rich sound, which helps them to adapt to the...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 4

Focus on what matters most Individual sound Interton Scope offers advanced directionality to help the wearer focus on whatever is most important in a given situation. All Interton Scope instruments features Selectable Beam Width, which allows an individual adjustment of the beam width within the directional mode. In Interton Scope 6, the Automatic Beam Width setting automatically switches to the most suitable beam width, depending on the amount of speech versus noise in the environment. In a noisy environment, the beam automatically narrows to focus on speech in front, while it widens for...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 5

For situations where feedback occurs – even with the feedback management system activated – the addition of the Feedback Guard prevents whistling. No whistling! Customers who choose Interton Scope can rest assured that their hearing instruments won’t whistle. This is thanks to two efcient feedback management systems working in conjunction. To begin with, rst class feedback cancellation technology identies feedback and cancels it out. Secondly, Interton Scope features Feedback Guard technology, which works as an “emergency brake” in situations where feedback may occur, even with the feedback...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 6

Two strong families Interton Scope 4 is a family of advanced best-in-class hearing instruments for active customers who want great sound quality in everyday listening situations. LISTENING SITUATIONS Use the table to nd the optimal Interton Scope family for your customer. Speech in Quiet - 1:1 Conversations at home Ofce Situation - Direct conversation - Printer / computer noise Speech in Noisy Situations - Group conversations - Talking outdoors / in trafc Changing Conversation Focus - Narrow focus 1:1 - Wide focus 1:2 Situations without Speech - A car passing by - Walking noises Listening...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 7

One for every need Interton Scope features all the models needed to cover your customer’s different hearing loss - from mild to profound. Interton Scope is available in a wide range of models and a variety of neutral and discreet colours. NEW Nano Coating All models have a unique thin coating based on modern nano technology. The nano coating protects both the outer shell and the electronics inside from dirt and humidity. The result is increased user condence through improved reliability and longer lifetime of the hearing instruments. Medium Blonde Dark Brown Mable Grey Additional colours...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 8

FEATURE OVERVIEW When adjusting the correct gain for the Feedback Guard, Appraise offers full protection. When "Fitting Protection" is activated in the menu, the software simply prevents you from increasing the gain beyond the "safety zone" i.e. the upper boundary of the Maximum Stable Gain (MSG) area. If absolutely necessary, it is still possible to de-activate Fitting Protection. Comfort Programs Noise Reduction Adaptive Noise Reduction Adaptive Noise Reduction Microphone Noise Reduction New Feature: Fitting Protection Interton Scope is easily tted with the well-proven Appraise tting...

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INTERTON SCOPE Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound - 9

Let your customers enjoy a more comfortable sound Interton - Essential Hearing Interton AS | Lautrupbjerg 7 | DK-2750 Ballerup Tel: +45 4575 1111 Founded in Germany in 1962, Interton today is part of one of the world's largest hearing instrument organisations, the GN Group. We use their proven core technology in a way that falls in line with our own way of doing things. We believe that most people need a straightforward, functional and easy-to-use hearing solution at a fair price. So that's what we give them.

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