Catalog excerpts

Dental Implants Instructions For Use Indications Dental Implants Intra-Lock® Implants have been designed to restore partially or fully edentulous patients. The implants have been designed to be used in either the mandible or the maxilla and to support removable or fixed prostheses, from single tooth replacement to full arch reconstruction. IntraLock® Implants are intended for immediate function on single tooth and/or multiple tooth applications when good primary stability is achieved, with appropriate occlusal loading, in order to restore normal teeth functions. Indications MILOTM Dental Implant Systems MILOTM Dental Implants are indicated for long-term maxillary and mandibular tissue-supported denture stabilization. They are also indicated for the rehabilitation of single or maxillary lateral incisors and mandibular lateral and central incisors. Multiple implants may be restored after a period of time or placed in immediate function. Indications Mini Drive-LockTM Dental Implant System Mini Drive-LockTM Dental Implants are intended for use as a self-tapping titanium screw for transitional or intra-bony long-term applications. Mini Drive-LockTM Dental Implants are also indicated for long-term maxillary and mandibular tissue-supported denture stabilization. Multiple implants should be used and may be restored after a period of time or placed in immediate function. Indications Dental Implants Blossom Intra-Lock® Implants have been designed to restore partially or fully edentulous patients. The implants have been designed to be used in either the mandible or the maxilla and to support removable or fixed prostheses, from single tooth replacement to full arch reconstruction. Intra-Lock® Implants are intended for immediate function on single tooth and/or multiple tooth applications when good primary stability is achieved, with appropriate occlusal loading, in order to restore normal teeth functions. Indications OP Dental Implants For 3.0 mm - Intra-Lock® OP Dental Implants are indicated for long-term maxillary and mandibular tissue supported denture stabilization. They are also indicated for rehabilitation of single or maxillary lateral incisors and mandibular lateral and central incisors. Multiple implants may be restored after a period of delayed loading or placed in immediate function when good primary stability is achieved with appropriate occlusal loading in order to restore normal teeth functio
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For 3.75mm, 4.0mm & 4.75mm Intra-Lock OP Dental Implants Intra-Lock® OP Dental Implants have been designed to restore partially or fully edentulous patients. The implants have been designed to be used in either the mandible or the maxilla and to support removable or fixed prostheses, from single tooth replacement to full arch reconstruction. Intra-Lock® Implants are intended for immediate function on single tooth and/or multiple tooth applications when good primary stability is achieved, with appropriate occlusal loading, in order to restore normal teeth functions. Contraindications...
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examination is followed by a thorough oral examination. The use of magnification is strongly encouraged as an adjunct to all procedures. Oral inspection includes palpation and the proper radiographic protocol(s). This may include periapicals, panorex and tomograms. Palpation of the ridges is also required and the use of intra-oral probes for tissue thickness is recommended. The diagnostic procedures will give the dentist an appreciation for the tissue quality and thickness, ridge morphology for the type and size of the implants that might be required. Measurements for implant size can be...
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Dental implant surgery is a complex dental procedure. Appropriate and adequate training in all phases of implant procedures and proper technique is strongly recommended prior to implant use. Improper patient selection, diagnosis, treatment planning or technique can result in implant failure and/or loss of supportive bone. Care must be taken if performing electrosurgery around a dental implant. Electrosurgery generates heat, which can be conducted through a metallic implant and cause damage to surrounding tissue or bone. The use of small diameter implants and angled abutments in the...
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Istruzioni per l’uso degli impianti dentali Indicazioni sugli impianti dentali Gli impianti Intra-Lock® sono stati realizzati per il restauro odontoiatrico in pazienti parzialmente o completamente edentuli. Gli impianti sono stati progettati per essere utilizzati sia nella mandibola sia nella mascella e per supportare protesi rimovibili o fisse, dalla sostituzione di un singolo dente alla ricostruzione completa dell’arcata. Gli impianti Intra-Lock® sono destinati al funzionamento immediato su applicazioni a dente singolo e/o a più denti quando si raggiunge una buona stabilità primaria, con...
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centrali. Gli impianti multipli possono essere restaurati dopo un periodo di carico ritardato o inseriti in funzione immediata quando si raggiunge una buona stabilità primaria con un adeguato carico occlusale per ripristinare la normale funzionalità dei denti. Per impianti dentali Intra-Lock OP da 3,75 mm, 4,0 mm e 4,75 mm Gli impianti dentali Intra-Lock® OP sono stati progettati per il restauro odontoiatrico in pazienti parzialmente o completamente edentuli. Gli impianti sono stati progettati per essere utilizzati sia nella mandibola sia nella mascella e per supportare protesi rimovibili o...
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Prima di utilizzare gli impianti dentali Intra-Lock®, ispezionare la confezione e l’etichettatura per verificarne l’integrità. Se il dispositivo è aperto, danneggiato o contaminato in qualsiasi modo, NON UTILIZZARLO. Pianificazione del trattamento pre-operatorio La corretta selezione dei pazienti è importante. È necessario effettuare un colloquio completo con il paziente e un’anamnesi medico-dentale. Dovrebbe poi essere effettuato un esame orale completo. L’esame della testa e del collo è seguito da un esame orale approfondito. L’uso dell’ingrandimento è fortemente incoraggiato come...
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