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HEALING TOUCH CAMA BED CHAIR A collection that harnesses the healing power of touch, promoting physi cal contact between pati ents, loved ones, and caregivers. The Cama Bed Chair is a height-adjustabl e, three-posi tion recl iner to support close and comfortable interactions at the bedside.

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A compassionate caress, a pat on the back, a warm embrace, or communication, the development of loving relationships, and our overall health and wellbeing. The sense of touch develops in the womb and is believed to be the last sense to leave us. While numerous studies confirm the many therapeutic benefits associated with touch, Western medicine has been slow to harness its healing powers. live in a touch-deprived culture and unsurprisingly place more faith in machines to heal than hands. Come explore this amazing sense organ and consider its vast potential in transforming healing spaces......

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The Touch Research Institute conducted over 100 studies on the benefits of touch therapies. invest ig ate t h e im p a c t o f to u c h o n in fa n t weig h t g a in a n d t h e s ig n if ic a n t res u lt s J ohnson & J oh n s on ’s for m e r C h ai r man less disease. in t h e h ea lin g p ower o f to u c h , F ield h a s s in ce b u ilt a n en t ire c a reer ex p lo r in g Despite a larg e b od y of re s e arch i n TE TE A TE TE Patient and family sit facing o ne ano ther. An ideal po sitio n during perio ds o f wakef

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parents improves the health suffering from a range of disorders including diabetes, f ro m fa m ily m em b er s , a c t u a lly love b ein g to im p rove s leep, red u ce o u t b u r st s in s c h o o l, a n d im p rove relat io n s h ip s w it h t h eir tea c h er s . St u d ies invo lv in g a d u lt s s h ow s ig n if ic a n t h ea lt h b en ef it s a s well. M a ss a g ed c a n cer a n d H I V p at ien t s received a b o o st to EY E-TO -EY E Im p roves com m uni c ati on, a l l owi ng p ati ents, fa m i l y, a nd c a reg i vers to si t at the sa m e l e

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Massaged cancer and HIV patients received a boost to their immune systems with an increase of natural killer cells, the immune system’s front line the course of a n hour. d i ners resp ond ed p osi ti vel y a b out the ho spital a nd i ts p ersonnel .” 1 4 a resea rc her at the Uni versity o f Miami Resea rc h shows that wi th the excep ti on b a l a nce b etween tec hnol og y and healing a n d relat ively d is ea s e- f ree life. B lu e b a c krub a s sta nd a rd hosp i tal pro cedure O a kl a nd , Ca l i forni a of fers this insight, “ We j ust have to m a ke sure that in the study explor...

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back from a doctor may boost survival rates of patients with complex diseases. insignificant act of tou ch may act u al l y have a profo u n d i mp act on h e al i n g . One on the back f rom a d octor may b oost survival rate s of p at i e n t s wi t h comp l ex These days, the fear of spreading infection particular cas e i n wh i ch a man wi t h a drug resista n t i n fe ct i on was p l ace d i n with routine p at i e n t exam s .

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providing them with hope and strengthening their will to live. m ed i c a l record s, a l l d i scoura g e touc h. l oved ones, p ati ents a nd c a reg i vers, a nd With an ever -i n cre as i n g b od y of re s e arch satisfaction, h e al t h care p rovi d e r s g o to great lengths to accom m od ate t h e n e e d s B ur ke, J. ( 1993 , Fall) . Touc h and we llne ss. Touc hp oint s N ewsle t te r 1: 3 . F ie ld , T.M. ( 2 001) . Touc h, Camb r id g e : The MI T Pre ss. F ie ld , T.M., Sc hanb e rg , S., Sc af id i, F., B owe r, C., Ve g a- L ahr, N ., G arc ia, R., N yst rom, J., and Kuhn,...

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TECHNICAL SPECS 3 Position Recline Crumb Space Height Adjustable Easily Mobile Wood Arm Caps Locking Casters CAMA BED CHAIR 27”w x 34/63”d x 45”h seat height: 18/21” arm height: 24” CONSTRUCTION LOAD RATINGS AND TESTS Solid steel base with molded polyester cover and heavy duty swivel locking casters with 150 lbs load rating each. Heavy Duty 500 Newton Pneumatic cylinder welded to the base and connected to heavy gauge welded steel top plate and chassis. Steel seat frame with sinuous springs and high resiliency exile foam cushion. The Cama Bed Chair has undergone a battery of...

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ROSALYN CAMA - CAMA, INC. Rosalyn Cama is President and Principal Interior Designer of CAMA, Inc. in New Haven, Connecticut. CAMA is a health design studio that has spearheaded the evidence-based design movement. CAMA’s mission focuses on how we can design a better LIFE INDOORS where we all can thrive and flourish. IOA - A FAMILY OWNED COMPANY The Delmestri family has manufactured furniture for three generations. The company was founded in Udine, Northern Italy in 1933 and was known as a leading manufacturer of contemporary seating designs. In 1978, Dario Delmestri moved the...

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All IoA Healthcare catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Exam chair

    8 Pages

  2. Eva Recliner

    4 Pages

  3. Suspend series

    23 Pages

  4. Connect I

    3 Pages

  5. Ivy

    2 Pages

  6. Eva

    1 Pages

  7. Cama

    1 Pages

  8. Care 615-51

    1 Pages

  9. Care 615-44

    1 Pages

  10. Paola

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs