Huida boiling flask / Florence flask


Catalog excerpts

Huida boiling flask / Florence flask - 1

Beaker, TallForm, With spout and printed graduations ConicalFlask(ErlenmeyerFlask), Narrow neck,wlth gradut/ons O.D. of neck(mm) Boiling Flask ConicalFlask(E『lenmeye『Flask), Wide neck,with gradutions O.D. of neck(mm) ConicalFlask, With ground-in glass stopper ConicalFlask(ErlenmeyerFlask), Narrow neck,wlth gradutlons BoilingFlask, Flat bottom, narrow n缸k, with beaded rim O.D. of neck(mm) Boiling Flask,F/at bottom, wide neck, with bead时rim O.D. of neck(mm)

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