Catalog excerpts

IMPLANT INSERTION STEP BY STEP [RATCHET OR TORQUE WRENCH] PLACEMENT WITH RATCHET OR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER JDTWKLF JDTORQUE® RATCHET WRENCH JDTWKL JDTORQUE® TORQUE WRENCH 18 07 24 MV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 25 MV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 26 MV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 04 NV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 05 NV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 06 NV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 14 RV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 15 RV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 16 RV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER WARNING Failure to follow the recommendations of the surgical sequence can cause difficulties in the insertion of the implant. Bear in mind that the ratchet wrench does not have any specific calibration and may generate excess force that can damage the instruments and cause excessive alveolar bone compression, resulting in bone necrosis and subsequent loss of attachment. Forced implant insertion may cause: ■ Damage to connection. - Damage to implant insertion instruments. - Cold welding of the instrument to the implant. - Lack of osseointegration due to excessive compression of the recipient bone. STEP BY STEP [MOTOR DRIVEN] PLACEMENT WITH MOTOR ADAPTER 18 07 21 MV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 22 MV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 23 MV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 01 NV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 02 NV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 03 NV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 11 RV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 12 RV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 13 RV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A Check that the ratchet or torque wrench indicates the tighteni ng position [IN] and proceed to fi nal i mplant insertion. WARNING Do not start the threading manoeuver before checking that the implant fits the ratchet or torque wrench adapter correctly. If there is high bone resistance during insertion of the implant, the direction of the ratchet wrench should be reversed, screwing the implant counter-clockwise [OUT] for approximately two turns. Then change the direction of the wrench and continue threading clockwise [IN]. This releases the stress in the bone and facilitates threading work. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. Failure to follow the recommendations of the surgical sequence can cause difficulties in the insertion of the implant, causing excessive compression in the implant bed. 5Z E G AW SZ E G AW SZ E G AW SZ E G AW WARNING You must verify that the contra-angle correctly fits the key to the motor unit [contra-angle wrench]. Placement procedures must not be initiated until fit to implant is correct. Torque values exceeding 45 Ncm may damage the contra-angle and key motor unit. If there is high bone resistance during insertion of the implant, the direction of the key motor unit should be reversed, screwing the implant counter-clockwise [OUT] for approximately two turns. Then change the direction of the key motor unit and continue threading clockwise [IN]. This releases the stress in the bone and facilitates threading work. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. If bone resistance exceeds 45Ncm and does not allow implant insertion, remove the key motor unit and continue with ratchet wrench Failure to follow the recommendations of the surgical sequence can cause difficulties in the insertion of the implant, causing excessive compression in the implant bed. SZ EG A® QUICK GUIDE KlOCKnerfmp,ant sysla. REFERENCE LIST 18 30 08 MV VEGA 18 03 01 MV THREAD INITIATOR 10 07 02 RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 10 07 02 L LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 10 07 02 XL EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER JDTWKLF JDTORQUE® RATCHET WRENCH JDTWKL JDTORQUE® TORQUE WRENCH 18 07 24 MV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 25 MV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 26 MV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 04 NV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 05 NV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 06 NV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 14 RV SHORT RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 15 RV LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 16 RV EXTRA LONG RATCHET WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 21 MV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 22 MV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 23 MV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 01 NV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 02 NV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 03 NV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 11 RV SHORT WRENCH C/A 18 07 12 RV LONG WRENCH C/A 18 07 13 RV EXTRA LONG WRENCH C/A 50 08 04 1.2 MM HEX LONG TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER All KLOCKNER® IMPLANT SYSTEM products comply with the laws and regulations applicable to medical devices, such as: European directives MDD 93/42/ECC modified by 2007/47EC - Regulations of the United States FDA 21CFR 820 - Quality standards EN ISO 13485 and other applicable standards and regulations. OnlyforUSA: SOADCOS. L.isamanufacturerof surgical-medical material, specifically dental implants and related surgical-medical products. KLOCKNER of NorthAmerica, incisthe official distributorinUSA. SOADCOS. L., KLOCKNERof NorthAmerica and/or other official distributors do not practice medicineor dentistry and therefore donotrecommend eithersurgical techniques ordental-medical equipment for patients. SOADCOS. L, KLOCKNER of NorthAmerica, inc. and/orother official distributors do notguarantee a particularresult orbenefits arising from the use of such dental-medical equipment manufactured and/or sold bythemselves, and decline / refuse any responsibility regarding the useof thematerial based ontheinterpretation of the informationdescribed inthis document, becauseaparticularoutcomecannotbe guaranteed. Anywitness, opinion orinstruction described inthis document and distributed to any healthcare professional, clinician, researcher, orany qualified personnel are onlytheirtestimony, opinions, or instructions. These are nottestimony, opinions, or instructionsfromemployeesof SOADCO S. L., KLOCKNER of North America, inc.and/orother official distributors. Therefore,SOADCOS.L., KLOCKNERof NorthAmerica, inc.and/orotherofficial distributors are not responsiblefor any claim orstatementmadebysuchparties. The products described in thisdocument are fortheir acquisitionanduseonly bydental-medicalprofessionalsappropriatelytrainedandqualifiedinthis fieldandmust notberesold. Thedevices described in thisdocument aremanufactured by: SOADCO S. L, Avgda. Fiter i Rossell, 4 bis local n° 2 escaldes-engordany [Andorra] and distributed in usa by KLOCKNER of North America, inc. 175 sw 7 street, units 1103-1104 Miami Fl -33130 [USA] Theuseand/orselectionof an inappropriatetreatmentof anymedical and/orsurgicalmaterialsdescribedinthisdocument, is solely responsibility of theuserof suchmaterial. WARNING NOT ALL KLOCKNER® IMPLANTS SYSTEM PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE IN EVERY COUNTRY implant system
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