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Oil-Water Separators KONTREC® SEP Compressed air is used as a safe energy source for many processes. Large amounts of compressor condensate are always generated in the compressed air system by the combination of compression and condensation processes. In general this condensate not only contains moisture in the form of water but also dirt, fine dust and particulate matter (rust, abraded substances etc.), as well as hydrocarbons, which are potentially hazardous to water and may already have been drawn into the compressor intake. The lubricants of the compressors themselves (oil) may also present a challenge. Discharging these condensates untreated into the drains is broadly ecologically damaging and therefore irresponsible. It may therefore also be in breach of legislation at national and regional levels. An ideal and simple solution for obtaining water that can be discharged in the main drains (< 20 mg/l residual oil content) is provided by the space-saving and safe on-site separator: KONTREC® SEP. Product specification KONTREC® SEP Oil-Water Separator, including filter sets and test kit <10 mg/l Residual oil content Separation of petroleum-based lubricants Separation of synthetic lubricants* Housing colour Housing material *at 50% of standard capacity, **at 25% of standard capacity The innovative and simple 4-stage concept • Extremely compact construction • Investment costs kept to a minimum by simple manufacturing methods and the use of Standard package commercially available components • By abandoning the conventional method of pressure relief, rapid fouling is prevented KONTREC® SEP including primary filter and activated carbon filter The 4 stages: The primary filter provides a safe and clean pressure 1 relief stage through a robust, permeable side wall that lets in the condensate under system pressure. 22 Free oil fractions are bound by an adsorbent filling of 3 3 Particulate matter is trapped in the primary filter, thereby preventing clogging of the activated carbon filter. 44 An activated carbon filter cleans the condensate of the last traces of oil. Only top-quality activated carbon is used for this stage. KONTREC® SEP * Compressor delivery rate 4 types: K-SEP 3 with 3 m³/min* to K-SEP 42 with 42 m³/min*

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