Catalog excerpts

l’acn S.r.l. Via XXV Aprile 9/13 20023 Cerro Maggiore-MI Tel. 0331 420303 Hand Foot Clothes Monitor Hand Foot Clothes Monitor gammaMEP and gammaMEP Compact (*) Example: Area monitoring mode - execution sample (*) gammaMEP Compact gammaMEP is the state-of-the-art hand foot clothes monitor. It can detect with high efficiency all of the most commonly used radioactive tracers used in nuclear medicine departments. The device is totally controlled by software (a windows based PC is supplied) , allowing a comprensive management of detector configuration and archive of effected measures. (*) gammaMEP Description Footboard size: 50 cm x 30 cm approx. Available in argon filled G.M. detectors version (gamma probes) and in plastic scintillator detectors versions (alpha + beta + gamma probes) Detection system: 2 removable hand/cloth probes and 2 fixed foot probes; Digital counting electronics , 3 indipendent channels, user selectable measure time, user selectable alarm thresholds for each channel; Logical procedure of measurements: it is impossible to carry out a measure if not in correct position; Rs-232 pc-link; Windows based software for data acquisition analysis; Storage of measures on internal database (MS Access); Password protected access for each operator; Graphical display of acquired results for each operator; Automatic background subtraction; Daily report printout for each operator Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 compatible Color inkjet printer l’acn S.r.l. - 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) via XXV Aprile 9/13– tel. +39 (0)331 420303 – FAX +39 (0)331 420153 – Web www.acn.it – E-mail acn@acn.it
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l’acn S.r.l. Via XXV Aprile 9/13 20023 Cerro Maggiore-MI Tel. 0331 420303 GMP/TEC/01 GammaMEP Hand Foot Clothes Monitor Main Window – execution sample (*) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (gammaMEP and gammaMEP Compact versions) DETECTORS: 4 G.M. probes based on LND-743 gamma detectors. (Alternative) 4 plastic scintillator probes (alpha+beta+gamma detectors) based on SCIONIX VS-0958-20 detectors. The two hand probes are extractable and can be used for cloth checking. EFFICIENCY: better than 8% on Co-60, better than 10% on Cs-137 (gamma detectors) MIN. DETECTABLE ACTIVITY: better than 1 Bq/cm2...
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