Catalog excerpts

l’acn S.r.l. Via XXV Aprile 9/13 20023 Cerro Maggiore-MI Tel. 0331 420303 TLC Radiochromatography Instrument Multicromatogamma 1024 - DATA SHEET - Description By a built in MCA analyzer, MULTICROMATOGAMMA 1024 ensures a comprehensive quality control, both for the chemical composition of the marker and for the energy of the emission (i.e. , for the research of possible radioactive impurities in the compound). MULTICROMATOGAMMA 1024 mounts a NaI(Tl) detector sized 1.5” x 1.5”, in a configuration which allows, in the front part, to perform chromatography on thin film or paper. The main mechanical parts are the lead collimators; it is possible to adjust the front slit opening from 0 to 5 mm, in order to obtain the best compromise between resolution and sensitivity. MULTICROMATOGAMMA 1024 is connected to a personal computer which controls the scan speed and digitally acquires data from the unit, sending them to a printing device or to a video display. The personal computer also allows to store the acquired cromatographic curves for a later elaboration. l’acn S.r.l. - 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) via XXV Aprile 9/13– tel. +39 (0)331 420303 – FAX +39 (0)331 420153 – Web www.acn.it – E-mail acn@acn.it
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Risultali d*lle misure Archtvio Analisi Precedent Iricerca • iviluppo Dott. Leonardo Papa RISULTATI DELLA KISURA DEL 01/03/13-1S.04 nella MnalTri del Mo99 (CPH)i WCROM cromatography software, supplied with the unit, allows to find automatically any activity peak in the graphics, to calculate the gaussian curves related to them and to extrapolate the percentual values of each area, as well as the RF for any compound. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS^) LEAD SHIELDING: SCAN SPEED: POWER SUPPLY: Software WCROM 1,75 cm lead thickness on the sides, 1 cm on the top and bottom powder coat 1,5 cm lead...
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