Catalog excerpts

Inhalation chamber for metered dose inhaler Over 6 years and adult REF An ergonomic mask ► lexible, ergonomic and soft. F ► its to the face and follows its movements to ensure F treatment efficacy. SmartChamber Expiratory valve on the mask An efficient valve system No dead volume Inspiratory flow Chamber with valve on the connection expiratory flow ► ouble valve system separating D inspiratory and expiratory flows. ► eduction of the inhaled dead R volume. ► hape-memory silicone valves. S Dead volume
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SMARTCHAMBER SONIQUE IS ALSO: ► A high-performance device chosen by DTF medical and its R&D team Aerodrug ► mproved shape and volume => effective I circulation of the aerosol ► ntistatic materials => limits drug loss onto A the walls of the chamber ► niversal chamber => compatible with all U types of metered-dose inhaler Trachea ► olored expiratory valve C => visualization of the respiration. (In vitro evaluation of SmartChamber: Aerodrug Tours – internal documentation) ► he deposit of large particles in the T mouth and trachea is divided by 20 (3 μg vs 62 μg). ► he deposit of small...
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