Catalog excerpts

Optional soft carrying bag M1630 High performance nebulizing system AERODJINN®+ (AJ+) Treatment of broncho-pulmonary pathologies: asthma, cystic fibrosis, tracheitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumocystosis (Pneumocystis Jirovecii infection), pneumonitis This compact device, combined with EXTRANEB+®, allows nebulizing all medicines types (pneumatic compressor and continuous aerosol production – MMAD: 4.5 µm, with EXTRANEB+® and AERODJINN®+ compressor). Performances with EXTRANEB+®: MMAD: 4.5 µm, Inhalable mass: 22,2 %. Characteristics: Weight: 1.9 kg Dimensions: 22x12x17.5 cm Warranty: 3 years Voltage: 230-240 V - 50 Hz (AJ+) ; 220-240 V – 50 Hz (AJ1) ; 115-127 V - 60 Hz (AJ2) ; 220 V-60
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Combined with EXTRANEB+® nebulizing kit, AERODJINN® compressor allows a uniform deposition in lungs. Latex free accessories: Optional accessories: Medical Device class Ila. Read carefully the instructions for use delivered with the medical device. Documentation for Health Professionals. Non contractual pictures. AEROSOLTHERAPY BY DTF MEDICAL Diffusion Technique Franqaise 19, rue de la Presse - CS 60132 42003 Saint-Etienne Cedex 1 - France Tel. : (33) 4 77 74 5111 - Fax : (33) 4 77 79 67 72 E-mail: dtf@dtf.fr - www.dtf.fr
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