Catalog excerpts

SPIROMETRY ACCESSORIES Technical Data Sheet La Tecnocarta Srl Via Lazio 9/11 – 20090 Ph. +39 02 49528750 www.tecnocarta.com
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Disposable Mouthpieces Single-use, individually packed Cosmed Pediatric Smokerlyzer Sibelmed Fukuda Denshi Sorin Lifewatch Welch Allyn Biomedin Custo Vit Fukuda Sangyo Medical Graphics BTL Sibelmed Cosmed Micromedical Mir Vitalograph Custo Vit Jaeger Sensormedics Microgard Mouthpiece material: Kraft cardboard Packaging material: polypropylene film La Tecnocarta Srl Via Lazio 9/11 – 20090 Ph. +39 02 49528750 www.tecnocarta.com
Open the catalog to page 2
Viral Bacterial Filters Single-use, individually packed – bacteria and virus retention 99.99% Standard Filters* Internal Diameter 1/2 (mm) Deltaspir Micromedical MIR Viasys Vitalograph Biomedin Fukuda Sangyo Cosmed Customed Ganshorn Jaeger BTL Chest Microgard Morgan SensorMedics Thor Medical Graphics Medgraphic Koko Legend Anatomic Filters** Internal Diameter (mm) Cosmed Biomedin Deltaspir Fukuda Sangyo Micromedical MIR Viasys Vitalograph Customed Jaeger BTL Chest Microgard Morgan Sensormedics Thor Medical Graphics Medgraphic La Tecnocarta Srl Via Lazio 9/11 – 20090 Ph. +39 02 49528750...
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* Standard filters can be complemented with cardboard mouthpieces for a more comfortable use. ** Anatomic filters have a mouth-shaped end, so no mouthpiece is required. Filter materials: acrylonitrile-styrene (body), polypropylene spundbond (filter) Packaging material: polypropylene film Noseclips Single-use, soft and comfortable Size: 70mm x 40mm Noseclip material: polyacetal Padding material: polyvinyl; ethylene vinyl acetate Packaging material: polypropylene film La Tecnocarta Srl Via Lazio 9/11 – 20090 Ph. +39 02 49528750 www.tecnocarta.com
Open the catalog to page 4All La Tecnocarta catalogs and technical brochures
Sterilization Wrappings
7 Pages
Medical Gels
3 Pages
Disposable CTG Belts
2 Pages
Tecnocarta Medical Catalogue
16 Pages
Tecnocarta Medical Leaflet
3 Pages