Catalog excerpts

Econo-CageDISPOSABLE SYSTEM Low Cost The task of housing rodents is complicated enough. The Econo-Cage® system simplifies the entire process. rfr--KAlK^KAlK4 Uses Hydropac®, Water Bottles or Automatic Watering! Only Two Parts From a truly exceptional design, two things stand out... the cage top and the cage bottom. There’s nothing more to handle. Simple Is Better A seamlessly integrated diet unit and cage top provides excellent visibility and reduced overall handling. Smooth Edges - Safer Handling Made from precision injection molded FDA Grade polypropylene plastic, the Econo-Cage® (s available standard or irradiated. Featuring AllerZone,MTechnology The Econo-Cage® is completely compatible with Super Mouse Ventilated Racks & Cages, and it’s the only disposable cage with AllerZone'" technology. If you already use Super Mouse housing, you don’t have to buy new racks to use the Econo-Cage®. lab products inc Lab Products, Inc. • 742 Sussex Avenue, P.O, Box 639, Seaford, DE 19973 800.526.0469 * 302.628.4300 • Fax 302.628.4309 • labproductsinc.com © Bio Medic Corporation 2015, AllerZone and Super Mouse 750 are trademarks of Lab Products, Inc, Econo-Cage is a registered trademark of Bio Medic Corporation. Hydropac is a registered trademark of Hydropac / Lab Products, Inc. Covered by various US and International Patents and Patents pending.
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Econo-Cage disposable system Econo-Cage® Disposable System 72123 Econo-Cage® Disposable System 72123-B Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/1/4” Deep Bedding 72123-1 Econo-Cage® Disposable System (Irradiated) 72328-BI Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/1/4” Deep Bedding (Irradiated) 72456-G 72456-FG Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/ Air Grommet Econo-Cage® Disposable System Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/1/4” Deep Bedding Econo-Cage® Disposable System (Irradiated) Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/1/4” Deep Bedding (Irradiated) Econo-Cage® Disposable System w/ Flap Grommet Econo-Cage®...
Open the catalog to page 2All LAB PRODUCTS catalogs and technical brochures
OneCage2100 Product Guide
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AllerZone Brochure
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