Catalog excerpts

High density Multi-Species™ housing with flexibility to house two distinctly different interchangeable cage sizes on the same rack. Versatile housing for rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs, with up to 64 larger or 128 smaller individually ventilated cages in one mobile system. Delivers low velocity HEPA filtered air to each cage while capturing cage effluent air. Prevents cage air from entering the room and room air from entering cages, protecting animals and personnel. Maximizes Capacity Up to 64 larger or 128 smaller Interchangeable Cages One Cage 2100™ Floor Area (>210 in2 / >1354 cm2) One Cage™ Floor Area (>80 in2 / >516 cm2) Versatile Multi-Species™ System for Rats, Mice, Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Adapts Easily for Various Species with Modular, Snap-On Feeders AllerZone™ Control of Airborne Allergens - Independently Tested & Certified Negative Rack Containing Positive Cages, Protecting Animals and Personnel Precise Microprocessor Balanced Airflow from Cage to Cage (+/- .1 CFM) Airflow Remains Balanced when Rack is Partially Full of Cages Micro-Isolator™ effectiveness is Not Compromised if Power Loss Occurs Adequate Airflow for Animals Remains if Power Loss Occurs Eliminates Wire Bar Lids for Easy Observations of Animals, Food and Water Faster Cage Changes and Reduced Inventory with Minimal Components Watering Options: Hydropac™, Bottles or Automatic Lifespan™ Rodent Enrichment Cage Monitor Control Unit Option - Cage Level Monitoring/Control/Certification Connects with Facility HVAC Exhaust and/or Supply Systems Meets or Exceeds ILAR Guide Recommendations AllerZone ” Interchangeable Micro-Isolator" High Density Ventilated Racks RACK CATALOG CAGE STYLE, QUANTITY & CONFIGURATION RATS MICE ORDERED SEPARATELY RACK CATALOG NUMBER CAGE STYLE, QUANTITY & CONFIGURATION STYLE QTY W x H Enviro-Gard™ HEPA Filtered Air Supply 8 Air Exhaust Units One Cage 2100™ 8 One Cage™ AllerZone™ Micro-Isolator™ Systems LifeSpan™ Rodent Enrichment NEW Hydropac™, Bottle or "Automatic Watering Based on the Guide for the Core ond Use of Loborotory Animals, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, Nolionol Research Council, 1996. 0C - One Cage'“. DS - Double Sided. SS ■ Single Sided. 'Add 12.75"/ 324 mm for rock mounted Envito-Gord1" (removable). ' 'Automatic Wolering not ovoiloble for use with Guinea Pigs. Contact lob Products for detoils. Lob Products, Inc. • 742 Sussex Avenue, P.0. Box 639, Seaford DE 19973/800.526.0469 • 302.628.4300 • fox 302.628.4309 • lobproductsinc.com © Bio Medic Corporation 2008. One Cage 2100, LifeSpan, AllerZone, Micro-lsolatnr, Multi-Species and Enviro-Gard ore trademarks of lob Products, Inc. Hydropac is a trademark ot Hydropac / Lab Products, Inc. Covered by various U.S. and International
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Innovative cages designed with minimal components, simplifying handling, reducing inventory and increasing productivity. Observe animals with an unobstructed view of cage interiors, without having to remove cages from a rack. • One Cage 2100™ Floor Area (>210 in2/>1354 cm2) • One Cage™ Floor Area (>80 in2 / >516 cm2) • Effective in Ventilated (Rack) and Non-Ventilated (Ambient) Conditions • AllerZone™ Control of Airborne Allergens (Ventilated) • One Flexible System for Mice, Rats, Hamsters and Guinea Pigs • Eliminates Wire Bar Lids for Easy Observations of Animals, Food and Water • Faster...
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AllerZone Brochure
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