Catalog excerpts

Part Number Ba rkey Plasma Thawer exclusive to Labcold Labcold are the exclusive distributor of the Barkey Plasmatherm plasma thawer in the UK. This unique thawer uses a contained sealed system thus preventing the risk of the product coming in to contact with the heating fluid and features a paddle to speed up the thawing process without endangering the integrity of the bag. Barkey GmbH & Co. KG are a German manufacturer with over 30 years experience manufacturing precision medical technology. This thawer has medical device certification conformity class Ilb plus FDA approval so you can be confident that it will meet all BSQR and MHRA regulations. The unique cushion design of this thawer makes it incredibly versatile. Unlike most thawers, the Barkey Plasmatherm can accommodate any bagged product plus the temperature can be adjusted to warm blood or other infusion products as well as thawing plasma or stem cells. Although the thawer can take between one to four 250ml bags in normal operation, should there be an emergency, it is perfectly safe to put 8 bags in to the thawer and adjust the time accordingly. In addition, the Barkey Plasmathem boasts the following features: 0 Audio visual leak, low water level and high water temperature alarms with auto stop Audio visual alarm when heating program is complete Smooth, easy clean plastic interior and exterior Designed for continual operation, optional extras available include a bar code reader and printer. Optional bar code reader and printer Easily holds 4 bags of plasma
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