Holding Pipettes
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

Holding Pipettes - 1

Holding Pipettes Quality – Made in Germany Holding pipette for in-vitro fertilization and manipulation of the ovum Features: • Each batch is MEA (Mouse Embryo Assay) and LAL (Endotoxin Assay) tested • Ideal in handling and safe for transportation • With expedient size and angle • Lumen diameter set for stable immobilisation of cells • Optimal degree values • Packaging • Individually sterile packed • Easy handling during pipette removal • Special brackets protect pipette from damage during transportation • Colour coding simplifies identification Designed for precision work Available in the following angles: Holding pipette, angle 35° Holding pipette, angle 30° • Validated electron beam sterilization • Class Is accordi

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Holding Pipettes - 2

Technical data Specification: • Inner diameter 20 µm ± 5 µm • Outer diameter 100 µm ± 10 µm Holder: • Color code GREEN • Material POM

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