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Catalog excerpts

Icepur® - 1

Icepur® > Disinfectant cleaner concentrate > Free of alcohol > Free of aldehydes Product: Grip bottle 2 l Canister 10 l Advantages: • For combined wipe disinfection and cleaning of surfaces and inventory • For mask disinfection and cleaning in case of epidemics as well • Free of any toxic or volatile components • Protein and fat dissolving, neutralizes odour-producing bacteria Microbiological efficiency: • Bactericidal, e.g.: Salmonella, Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Fingicidal, e.g.: Trichophyton mentagrophytes • Selectively virucidal, e.g.: Hepatitis B, HIV, Rotavirus (as specified by the manufacturer)

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Icepur® - 2

Features: • Quaternary ammonium compounds • Without alcohol and aldehydes • Odourless, neutralizes odour-producing bacteria • Non-volatile • Cleans and disinfects in one step • Dissolves dried blood stains • Leaves no stains • Protein and fat dissolving • Good compatibility with metals, rubber and plastics • BauA registered Email: Address: Labotect Labor-Technik-Gottingen GmbH Kampweg 12 37124 Rosdorf Germany Postal address: Labotect Labor-Technik-Gottingen GmbH Postfach 200212 37087 Gottingen Germany Court of register: Gottingen: HRB 1394 WEEE-Reg-No: DE 86039820 Managing...

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All Labotect Labor-Technik-Göttingen GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Hot Plate A4

    1 Pages

  2. Labo C-Top

    3 Pages

  3. Aspirator 3

    2 Pages

  4. Hot Plate A3

    1 Pages

  5. InControl

    2 Pages

  6. Gasmonitor

    2 Pages

  7. LaboDat+

    2 Pages

  8. CellTrans+

    3 Pages

  9. Manoferm®

    2 Pages