Catalog excerpts

INNOVATIV THE CORPORATE MAGAZINE ISSUE 2 | 2020 Milestone in Continuous Production The Coating Experts
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Start of Plant 4 At L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH, countercyclical acting is definitely part of the company’s history. Once again, we are boldly setting the course for the future, just like we did during the financial crisis after the Lehman bankruptcy when we consistently invested in innovations. Dear readers, We are looking back at a very chaotic year. The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping the whole world, the global economy and, of course, us as a company in suspense. First of all, we hope that you have come through this time well and in good health so far. Thankfully, we have not...
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L.B. BOHLE SETS MILESTONE WITH CONTINUOUS GRANULATION AND DRYING German generics manufacturer uses QbCon® WG In mid-October the time had come: After eleven months of project time a German manufacturer of generic products has successfully accepted the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) of the QbCon® WG - a continuous wet granulator and dryer. “The new unit allows a throughput of 25 kg/h and is designed for continuous production,“ reports Tim Remmert, Executive Director of L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH. “This means that the unit can produce without interruption and generate a high...
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THE COATING EXPERTS Optimum solutions for your application When it comes to quick, trouble-free and efficient coating of tablets, tablet coaters from L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH have been setting the benchmark in all areas for many years. Pharmaceutical film coating is an essential processing step in the production of solids. Tablets are often coated in order to modify how the active ingredient is released, to protect the substance against light or moisture, or to cover a bitter flavor in the tablet formula. Furthermore, tablets are color- or film-coated to facilitate...
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Drying: Thanks to an air flow system which differs distinctively from systems offered by competitors, tablet coaters from L.B. Bohle guarantee optimum energy and substance transfer. The process air is fed directly into the tablet bed. Thus, the air flows straight and in a controlled way into the tablet bed and ensures quick drying of the sprayed-on suspension. During the entire process time, the spraying nozzles are not subjected to the supply air flow so that they remain cool during the spraying process. This reduces spray-drying effects to a minimum and achieves coating efficiencies of...
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LABORATORY BLENDER LM 40 FOR INDIA L.B. Bohle develops containment coater for R&D Customers rent blender for testing purposes A multinational corporation from Great Britain has entrusted L.B. Bohle with a very special task: construction of a containment coater for research and development. “We have only built coaters for containment applications for the production scale,” says Executive Director Thorsten Wesselmann. “This is why we now had to develop a new solution for R&D,“ he says. Even during the Corona pandemic, L.B. Bohle is enhancing its involvement in India and equips the Ahmedabad...
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MACHINE ACCEPTANCE TEST VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE Factory Acceptance Test with customers from Brazil Quick service despite the COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic not only causes economic restrictions throughout the world, but it also fundamentally changes workflows and customer dialogue. Before the pandemic, it was common to carry out an Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) directly at L.B. Bohle. Global travel restrictions and measures to minimize the spread of the infection have forced L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH to find new ways to carry out machine acceptance tests with the...
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FOUR APPRENTICES START THEIR CAREERS Expert gives a comprehensive overview Training in the technical / industrial sector Containment expert Dr. Andreas Fückiger spoke at L.B. Bohle. In the pharmaceutical industry, one term is becoming increasingly important: containment. It describes the process of containing a substance within a defined space, a method that is suitable for protecting operators and the environment in case of high toxicity and product reactivity. More than 60 percent of pharmaceutical products are manufactured as tablets, capsules, dragées or similar oral dosage forms....
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L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH Industriestr. 18 D–59320 Ennigerloh +49 25 24 93 23 0 www.lbbohl
Open the catalog to page 9All L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Product Portfolio
7 Pages
Company Magazine 1-20
16 Pages