PR4-G Touch
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PR4-G Touch - 1

PR4-g Touch Lung Ventilator for Transport and Emergency Care Neonatal, Pediatric and Adult

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PR4-G Touch - 2

Leistung is more than a manufacturer of lung ventilators for ICU and Emergency. Leistung's lung ventilators, besides being products of technological excellence and performance, they also carry the values of all the professionals involved in the process, from its conception to its commercialization, who are aware about the importance of a life-supporting device. Therefore, we are proud to say that, while we are an industry, our essence lies in the trust that professionals and patients place in us. It is our commitment to life that makes us go further!

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PR4-G Touch - 3


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PR4-G Touch - 4

PR4-g Touch Lung Ventilator for Transport and Emergency Adult | Pediatric | Neonatal T h e l u n g v e n t i l a t o r P R 4 - g To u c h i s a m o n g t h e m o s t complete lung ventilators in the market, providing all the necessary ventilatory modes for medical care in adult, pediatric and neonatal patients, besides offering a menu of lung mechanics for several diagnosis. It offers high ventilatory quality adapted to each patient w i t h q u i c k a n d s a fe a d j u s t m e n t s fo r e ve r y ve n t i l a to r y parameter, delivering to the professional a pleasant work which allows...

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PR4-G Touch - 5

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency LEAK COMPENSATION It is a way to estimate in real time the values of CO2. These real values are presented numerically through the ETCO2 and inspired CO2 and through the CO2 x Time graphic. This mechanism is given by Main Stream technology, which makes the ventilatory assistance safer by estimating the heterogeneity of the lung ventilation distribution resulting from functional and structural alterations of the respiratory system. It associates the best of the conventional controlled modes of volume and pressure, delivering...

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PR4-G Touch - 6

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency SPECIAL FEATURES Neonatal Ventilation Patient Setup Lung Mechanics FIO2 50% to 100% Altitude Compensation Volume Adjustment Alarms Log Automatic rise time Non-invasive Ventilation Leak Compensation Proximal Flow Reading O2 100% Function Tendencies of 24h Inspiratory or Pressure Flow Sensibility Battery for 15 hours Automatic Calculation of Theoretical Weight Intuitive Interface Customizable interface with Memory

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PR4-G Touch - 7

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency The PR4-g Touch is versatile and practical. In options with trolley or carrying bag, this portable lung ventilator may be used in several places. Perform procedures such as: capnography, PRVC, NIV, PCV, PSV and CPAP in adult, pediatric and neonatal patients. It is Leistung technology for your daily treatments.

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PR4-G Touch - 8

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency ( SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ) Current time and date Time and date when the equipment was turned on Touch screen function lock Graphical indicator of external power supply and battery Indicator of battery charge level Indicator bar of the parameters adjustment range Graphical bar of the ventilatory pressure with indicator of alarms level FiO2 reading throug Galvanic Cell or Pneumotachograph Standby symbol Alarms log symbol ( PROGRAMMABLE ALARMS ) Maximum pressure Minimum pressure Maximum tidal volume Minimum tidal...

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PR4-G Touch - 9

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency MONITORING Airway pressure: peak Airway pressure: plateau Airway pressure: mean Airway pressure: base (PEEP) Inspiratory time Expiratory time I:E Ratio Inspiratory pause Inspired/exhaled tidal volume (distal and proximal) Peak inspiratory Row (distal and proximal) Peak expiratory Row (distal and proximal) Dynamic compliance Total and spontaneous frequency Graphical indicator of spontaneous and mechanical cycles Minute volume (distal and proximal) FiO2 concentration Expiratory time constant Compressible volume TI/TTOT ratio ETCO2...

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PR4-G Touch - 10

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency ( LUNG MECHANICS ) AutoPEEP Dynamic Compliance Static Compliance Static Inspiratory resistance Static expiratory resistance Slow vital capacity P0.1 (Airway occlusion pressure) Tobin Index ( NUMERICAL TENDENCIES ) AutoPEEP Dynamic Compliance Static Compliance Inspiratory resistance Expiratory resistance ( GRAPHICAL TENDENCIES ) Tidal volume Minute volume Frequency Dynamic compliance Peak and base pressure Flows (Graphical tendencies up to 24 h with the aid of grids for analysis) ( ADULT/ PEDIATRIC UP TO 5 SIMULTANEOUS...

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PR4-G Touch - 11

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency FiO2 Inspiratory time I:E Ratio Ventilatory frequency Tidal volume Minute volume Sensibility Controlled pressure (PCV) Support pressure (PSV) Inspiratory pressure Rise time Expiratory sensibility Apnea time PEEP / CPAP Inspiratory Row Base Row Expiratory Row Automatic inspiratory pause (VCV mode) O2100% Flow waveform Inspiratory pressure inner safety valve Pressure regulation valve for O2 Input Rs232 Signal connector Sigh (VCV Mode) Automatic scales Freeze graphics Standby Backup ventilation Altitude compensation Alarm sound level...

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PR4-G Touch - 12

PR4-g Touch Lung ventilator for transport and emergency PNEUMATIC INPUT ( EXTERNAL CONVERSOR (AC/DC ADAPTER, OPTIONAL Output voltage Power Input voltage Oxygen (O2) Pressure Maximum Row consumption ( PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ) Height Width Depth Equipment weight Trolley weight Touch Screen Trolley (optional) Castors ( EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY (AC/DC ADAPTER, OPTIONAL) Maximum output current 4,2 A ( INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ) ( POWER SUPPLY ) Medical product classification Class III Operation mode Continuous operation Classification against electric shock (Isolation)...

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PR4-G Touch - 13

Leistung Equipamentos Ltda. 202, João Ropelatto St. Nereu Ramos - 89265-520 Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brazil Phone/Fax: +55 47 3371 2741 E-mail: Site: TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0800 645 1534 ANVISA Registration No: 80203470013 Op. Auth. ANVISA: GHL3983MX9H2 Certi cation EN ISO 13485:2003/EN ISO 13485:2012 Certi cation ISO 9001:2008 Certi cation GMP ANVISA RDC 16

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All Leistung Brasil catalogs and technical brochures

  1. LUFT3

    13 Pages