Catalog excerpts

Biological Indicators for monitoring and validating the sterilization process Liofilchem® and the Liofilchem company logo are registered trademarks of LIOFILCHEM s.r.l. Self-contained for steam sterilization Description STERILtest GST E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/disc). STERILtest GST E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/disc). # Product with minimum request Packaging 10 Ampoules 50 Ampoules Ampoules for steam sterilization Description STERIL CONTROL GST E6 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, pH indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/ampoule). STERIL CONTROL GST E5 ampoules Ampoules with nutrient medium, pH indicator and spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/ampoule). Strips for steam sterilization Description STRIP CONTROL GST E6 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E5 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E4 Strips with spores of G. stearothermophilus (1-5x104 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. STRIP CONTROL GST E3 Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x103 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. # Product with minimum request Packaging 20 strips 20 tubes 100 strips 20 strips 20 tubes
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SUSPENSION SPORE GST E8 10 mL vial 82002 Sterile suspension of C. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1 -5x108 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E7 10 mL vial 82003 Sterile suspension of C. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1-5x107 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E6 10 mL vial 82004 Sterile suspension of C. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1 -5x106 CFU/mL). SUSPENSION SPORE GST E5 10 mL vial 82005 Sterile suspension of C. stearothermophilus spores in distilled water (1 -5x105 CFU/mL). Strips with spores of B. atrophaeus (1 -5x108 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient...
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# Product with minimum request Description STERILtest BAT E6 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x106 CFU/disc). STERILtest BAT E5 self-contained Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of B. atrophaeus (1-5x105 CFU/disc). Crusher for self-contained Description CRUSHER Steel pincer for the easy break of self-contained vials. Strips for irradiation sterilization Description STRIP CONTROL PUM E7 Strips with spores of B. pumilus (1-5x107 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. STRIP...
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Description OXI CONTROL E6 PLX Poliflex coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/coupon) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. OXI CONTROL E5 PLX Poliflex coupons with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/coupon) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. Strips for hydrogen peroxide sterilization Description OXI CONTROL E6 STRIP Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH indicator. OXI CONTROL E5 STRIP Strips with spores of G.stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/strip) and tubes of nutrient broth with pH...
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2 Pages
MIC Test Strip
8 Pages