LogiCell Catalog WEB
1 / 36Pages

Catalog excerpts

LogiCell Catalog WEB - 2

LogiQuip has been in the healthcare storage solutions business since 1992 with principals that have been experts in the field for a combined 90 years. Historically, our main departments were OR/SPD and Materials Management. The new LogiCell® line brings us into the exciting Cath Lab and Interventional Radiology areas. LogiQuip has partnered with FlairWood Industries, Inc. to produce the unique patented cell system design in carts and cabinets. From the marriage of experience and innovation we give to you the LogiCell® System of products. Because each hospital’s inventory, supply, and...

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LogiCell Catalog WEB - 3

A Directory to Your Modular World LogiCell ® Supply Carts LogiCell ®Tambour Door Cabinetry LogiCell ® Casework, Laminate & Stainless 16-21 LogiCell ®Scope Cabinets LogiCell ® & Other Accessories Wire Products

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LogiCell Catalog WEB - 4

What is the LogiCell® Advantage? Innovative Side Panels • ABS plastic with integrated safety stop • Full access, 80% extension • Slant standard baskets, tubs and shelves. No additional parts required • Built into carts and cabinets, not bolted on • Unique cell system is patent applied for Clean and Sealed Hinged Doors • On stainless cabinetry and double tall carts • Aluminum, not wood, with safety glass • Flush-mount with no gaps Unique Tambour Door System • Designed with internal structural supports • Cassette installation system allows for easy High Density • Long and short dividers in...

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Endless Supply Possibilities with LogiCell ® Carts • Constructed in 20-gauge textured epoxy coated steel with Frosty White finish • Cell system of plastic side panels (patent pending) accommodates a range of accessories • Standard tambour door with cassette design • Tall double carts available with hinged glass doors of durable aluminum with hospital-grade safety glass • Tubular handle both ends. Wrap-around bumper. 5” swivel casters, two with brakes Tall Double Cart Tall Triple Cart • Overall: 28”D x 40”W x 80”H • Tambour or hinged glass door • Overall: 28”D x 57”W x 80”H • Tambour door...

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Model #26525 Double Half Cart with 2 columns Model #26525SH Double Half Cart with 2 shelves Model #26517 Single 3/4 Cart 4 Model #26527 Double 3/4 Cart with 2 columns 40”

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LoaiCell® SUDDIV Carts Double Cart Shell Configurations Tall Double Cart with 2 columns Electronic Lock Tall Double Cart with shelves Tall Double Cart with Top S| Tall Double Cart with Bottom Split

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Fully Loaded for each OR Service Model # 2652VASC Vascular Cart • Carts come complete with pictured accessories • Dividers included with most tubs, baskets and shelves • Customize your own cart using shells from pages 4, 5 and 7 and accessories from pages 24 - 26 • Units shown with tambour door. Hinged glass doors available on double carts. • Double carts: 28”D x 40”W x 80”H • Triple carts: 28”D x 57”W x 80”H Model # 2652CYSTO Cysto Cart Model # 2652CARD Cardiac Cart Model # 2652NEU Neuro Cart Model # 2652ARTH Arthroscopy Cart Model # 2652OPHENT Ophthalmology/ENT Cart Model # 2652LAP...

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Tall Triple Cart with 3 columns _ Triple Cart Shell Configurations 1 standard cell right 1 wide cell with bottom split left standard cell left wide cell right standard cell right 1 standard cell left 1 wide cell with top split right wide cell with top split left

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Pre-Configured Triple Carts for OR Cardiac Cart Drape/Pack Cart Staple Cart Ortho Cart

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Cart with 7 slides Shown with hinged doors ("HG") Cart with 7 cathslides and top shelf with 5 dividers Cath box cart with roll-out box and top shelf with 5 dividers Pre-Configurecl Catheter Carts Catheter Carts in many styles • Carts come complete with pictured • Dividers included with most baskets, • Customize your own cart using shells from pages 4,5 and 7 and accessories from pages 24 - 26 Supply Cart with 5 shelves, each with 4 dividers Short/long cath cart with Cath slides on carts have 9 hooks. Each hook holds 15 catheters. 135 catheter capacity per slide. On Shelf slides are...

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From Vision Our 11000 Series makes the best use of your limited space Use crowded corner space with ease Tambour Cabinetry does not cramp valuable treatment area , floor and wall cabinets in a variety of sizes and configurations

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Wire baskets, epoxy coated (3”, 5” & 8”H) • Long and short dividers dividable in 1” increments Easily slant baskets, tubs and shelves on the cell system Drawers, single and double width, 5”H, lockable Cath Slides (6 or 9 hook) 12 Tubs, ABS plastic (3”, 5” & 8”H) • Long and short dividers dividable in 4” increments Shelves with back lip and divider grooves are reversible and can be slanted

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Tall Cabinetry • Frosty white melamine • Tambour door, light grey with cassette design • 18” or 26”D with cassette design • 24”, 36” or 42”W • Most units complete with cell system of plastic side panels (patent applied for) that accommodates a range of accessories (pages 24-26) • Toe kick recessed base 4”H for cleaning • Partial sloped top Model #11112 Shown with accessories Model #11123LC Shown with accessories Model Number Shelf/Cell Configuration Accessory Size Single column with 23 cells Single column with 23 cells Single column with 23 cells Double column with 46 cells 20 Cells at...

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Model Number Interior Number of catheter slides/  Dimensions Maximum cabinet capacity (D x W x H) Shelf Configuration Top shelf 34” each with 5 dividers 4”H 7 x 6-hook slides Up to 630 catheter capacity 9 x 6-hook slides Up to 810 catheter capacity Top shelf 40” each with 7 dividers 4”H 9 x 6-hook slides Up to 810 catheter capacity 14 x 6-hook slides Up to 31” Two shelves 34” Up to 1260 catheter capacity each space Top Shelf with 4 dividers 18 x 6-hook slides Up to 31” Two shelves 40” Up to 1620 catheter capacity each space each with 4 dividers 4”H 7 x 6-hook slides Up to 630 catheter...

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All Logiquip catalogs and technical brochures

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  5. Storage Bins

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  7. HS50

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  8. UTGKA-333369

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  9. UTGLA-333369

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  10. ER2000

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