

Catalog excerpts

OtoAccess - 1

SnSKHI ftWW ANSJ3 22 GOOD lK«!li-7 GOOD Vrsicie Sp+wh Mifrarg Aifyft Aided Rwpsjnl* V&fcfe SOM* M.*ppT*a Ad*4 SiipMM 5JT.4JW IWP-MB - Wtfeto*«J Tjfmp iWPJWO - fuJWhiUn. tub* tymnett TtO*f **Q - TfcO*C 0 * - >4 ItHS

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OtoAccess - 2

OtoAccess® Time is a precious resource in modern healthcare, where administration eats away at time spent with patients. OtoAccess® frees up time for what actually matters: your patients. OtoAccess® covers all integration needs and seamlessly integrates with software suites as well as electronic health record (EHR) systems.

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OtoAccess - 3

No matter your size The range of OtoAccess® solutions cover the needs of the lone practitioner all the way through to the large hospital. Complete interoperability Browse all your patient data in one interface. Streamline data handling No PDF exports. No uploads. No printouts. No scanning. Optimized workflows and robust data handling with OtoAccess® Worklist HL7. Database If you use another database OtoAccess® API can integrate your solutions with third-party databases.

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OtoAccess - 4

Complete integration OtoAccess® is an intuitive data management package that consists of three integration solutions: OtoAccess® Database, OtoAccess® Worklist HL7 and OtoAccess® API. OtoAccess® makes data handling both simple and human, replacing technical clutter with improved workflows that enable patient-centered care. OtoAccess® Database OtoAccess® Database is a patient-management system that stores and shares patient records within the same clinic or with multiple, networked facilities. It has a modern interface and enables paperless and efficient workflows. OtoAccess® Worklist HL7...

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OtoAccess - 5

OtoAccess® Database If you have your own clinic, OtoAccess® Database offers a seamless workflow when handling patient and measurement data. OtoAccess® Database is also ideal for larger clinics, as OtoAccess® Database clients can be networked for patient and measurement data sharing. Thus, this solution can help to improve you and your colleagues' coordination. When needed, OtoAccess® Database is ready for HL7 integration with OtoAccess® Worklist HL7 to integrate the database with EHR systems. Patient is created in EHR system Patient automatically appears in OtoAccess® Worklist HL7 EHR...

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OtoAccess - 6

Seamless hardware and software integration Secure data handling Scheduled date Order state •/ New j Processed O Error Easy and efficient workflows Department Audiology ID 0 Audiology 1A 0SCR 0 Balance 0 Screening clmic 12 0 Vestibular Taira Hans*x> APfHiSEED Ptttn. ThOfW HoppS Inter kouSC Petrak Ode« OtoAccess® Database is a modern patient management system. Combining advanced IT functionality with a simple user experience, the database is an ideal solution for any healthcare professional. Contemporary and compliant The database is built to be fully compatible with current and future EHR...

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OtoAccess - 7

Use-case scenario Create new patient Create a new patient or choose an existing. Perform measurements Perform your tests and measurements. All data is automatically backed up. Before your patient’s next visit, you can access previews of previous results in a matter of clicks.

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OtoAccess - 8

u Data handling with OtoAccess® could not be simpler. This allows clinicians to do what they do best: take care of their patients. Soren Bo Petersen Senior Product Manager

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OtoAccess - 9

OtoAccess® Worklist HL7 Replace data handling with patient care OtoAccess® Worklist HL7 is an add-on treatment facility. This information is your patients and more consultations to OtoAccess® Database. OtoAccess® seamlessly received in the form of HL7 per day. Worklist HL7 manages patient data in messages from the EHR system. conjunction with HL7-capable electronic Historical data is stored in OtoAccess® health record (EHR) systems. You choose the relevant patient and Database from where you can work perform the required measurements. with the tested data in detail. OtoAccess® Worklist HL7...

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OtoAccess - 10

OtoAccess® API More integration options With OtoAccess® API, your database With OtoAccess® API, there is no need supplier can integrate with your to use different interfaces to cover your instruments. product line. Instead, the API runs as a 'one-component-covers-all' solution. OtoAccess® API is an ideal solution OtoAccess® API enables third-party for clinicians without OtoAccess® database software to transfer data Database. securely and easily between your local setup and your collaborators. Your database software Now you can perform tests The data is stored manufacturer implements with...

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OtoAccess - 12

OtoAccess A/S Audiometer Alle 1 5500 Middelfart Denmark Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia T +45 6371 3636 North and South America T +1 (833) 368-0391 support@otoaccess.com otoaccess.com OtoAccess® partners:

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All MAICO Diagnostics catalogs and technical brochures

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  6. MA 42

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  7. Mini 250

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  9. MA 28

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  10. MA 27

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Archived catalogs