

Catalog excerpts

touchTymp - 1

touchTymp Our ALL-TOUCH Impedance Line

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touchTymp - 2

Simply Intuitive Middle Ear Testing Our touchTymp impedance line is designed to turn tympanometry into an intuitive, efficient and enjoyable procedure. Improve your daily workflow with our full 10.4” touchscreen and a user-friendly interface that allows an easy change of parameters. „I can operate all features within 3 clicks. touchTymp really is amazingly intuitive“ Dr. Michel Bloch, Cannes, Fra

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touchTymp - 3

Probe Lightbar Explanation Tympanometry & Acoustic Reflex Shows result: No Response Tympanometry & Acoustic Reflex Shows result: Pass Acoustic Reflex Stimulus is being given (additionally the last result is shown) Lights up (rolling up) dependent on the values (normative box) Focus on Your Patient Experience full control of the probe while concentrating on your patient: touchTymp’s easy-to-handle probes feature unique light bars to provide a real-time progression of the test. To exactly match your needs, the different touchTymp versions come with distinctive probes. touchTymp MI 24 and...

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touchTymp - 4

With Audiometry for a Small Footprint Our touchTymp MI 26 and touchTymp MI 36 both combine intuitive tympanometry and audiometry in one exceptional device. Their small footprint makes them perfect for limited desk space, and the ability to switch easily and smoothly between tests makes your workflows much more efficient and comfortable. Choose between the touchTymp MI 26 for middle ear and audiometric screenings or the touchTymp MI 36 for added diagnostic capabilities. In addition to air conduction audiometry, the touchTymp MI 36 also offers bone conduction, which is available as an...

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touchTymp - 5

Tympanometry for Children has Never been so Exciting We make immittance testing easy and fast by focusing the child’s attention on an exciting animated car race for the duration of the tympanometry or reflex screening procedure. The colorful animation engages the child, reducing the likelihood of breaking the seal between probe tip and ear and having to retest. This saves you time and effort, while also making the screening procedure more enjoyable for your little patient! The car race starts as soon as the test begins. Once the measurement is completed, the car reaches the finish line and...

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touchTymp - 6

Comprehensive Test Protocols Each touchTymp provides comprehensive standard protocols for immediate operation of screening and diagnostic tests: optional upgrade optional upgrade optional upgrade optional upgrade Acoustic Reflexes Fixed (Screening) Automatic (Threshold) Ipsilateral Contralateral Pure tone optional upgrade optional upgrade Reflex Decay Ipsilateral / Contralateral ETF ETF-Intact / -Perforated Audiometry Pure tone + warble tone optional upgrade Bone conduction Masking Available with each test proto

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touchTymp - 7

Sessions PC Software The touchTymp is fully supported by Sessions. Your data is displayed the same way it is on the device, ensuring a consistent visual appearance. For our touchTymp, Sessions automatically synchronizes measurements ensuring a seamless transfer of your test data. With Sessions you can view, archive, manage the measurement data and print reports. The clean icon-based user interface enables an efficient workflow and high-speed data management. You can link up Sessions to your database with full compatibility or run it standalone. Alternatively, you can integrate it easily to...

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touchTymp - 8

Technical Data touchTymp Line* TYMPANOMETRY Probe Frequency EUSTACHIAN TUBE FUNCTION 226 Hz ± 1 %, 85 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB Test Methods Pressure Range 800 Hz ± 1%, 70.5 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB Optional High Frequency Pressure Range Test Signals Volume Range Compliance Range from bone conduction test frequencies) Pure tone and warble tone (pulsed and continuous) Test Frequencies Level Steps Test Time Measurement Hearing Level Range AC Hearing Level Range BC Masking Noise Narrow band and white noise ACOUSTIC REFLEXES Test Frequencies Test Noise DEVICE GENERAL Test Methods Ipsilateral, contralateral Level...

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All MAICO Diagnostics catalogs and technical brochures

  1. easyTymp™

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  3. MB 11

    2 Pages

  4. easyScreen

    8 Pages

  5. MA 42

    2 Pages

  6. Mini 250

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  8. MA 28

    2 Pages

  9. OtoAccess

    12 Pages

  10. MA 27

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs