Catalog excerpts

SWM SOFTWARE MANAGERS Te s t D a t a C o l l e c t i o n a n d Process Statistical Analysis Software Manager • COMMUNICATION: through USB cable (for TM3), serial line RS485 or through Ethernet via Modbus TCP/IP (from the operator panel HMI). • PLC: Software Manager can communicate with a PLC via Modbus TCP/IP on Ethernet and via Modbus RTU on the RS485 serial line. • WEBSERVER: the graphic interface allows to remotely view, via a web browser, the status of the supervisor. • STATUS: visualization of each line functioning status. • TEST/OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS: editing, backup and resetting on the equipment of the parameters saved on hard disk; it is possible to directly modify the parameters (only for TM3 and Dosaset). • TEST SEQUENCE: it is possible to select a test recipe list to be performed sequentially (TM3P). • TEST DATA: test data saving and counter, test data searching by date, or by free filter (SQLite, MYSQL). It is possible to export statistics and data in CSV format. • GRAPHS: graphs visualization in real-time, exportation and saving of the graph in a CSV format (only for TM3). • BARCODE, QRCODE AND PRINTER: by using a barcode/ QRcode reader it is possible to associate the serial number of the component, the batch code and the operator code to each test. In addition, each different product can be associated with a different test table: in this way, the equipment can directly select the correct parameters. At the end of the test, the printer will release a label with the test data, even in multiple copies. • ADMIN and USER: users-management and handling of the respective access rules to the software functions, e.g. test program creation and management. • MAINTENANCE COUNTERS: a summary table including all the configuration parameters and the current number of enabled “maintenance” counters. • CALIBRATION: calibration procedure for TM3 modules, including the equipment calibrat
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jServer Network system to collect Provaset T3, T3L and T2 tests data The system includes • A server service that receives the tests data directly from the Provaset T3, T3L and T2 A client software that can be installed on multiple PCs and that can visualize, search, export the saved data and check the instruments status in real time. jServer can be expanded with optional modules. It can support data traceability, storage and electronic records, or customized applications to interface with the company ERP system. NET CFR on jServer and Software Manager - define users with password - define a...
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