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Clinically Focused CUSTOMER SERVICE Fully CUSTOMIZED STORAGE State of the Art INVENTORY MANAGEMENT MASS™ Medical Storage products can be found in hospitals both large and small all over the world. As a leading innovator in its field, MASS™ constantly reinvents designs in order to provide clinicians with the most effective storage units on the market. In every hospital, in any department, MASS™ produces a medical storage solution that fits the needs of its clients. It is this intense focus on the customer’s needs that makes MASS™ Medical Storage one of the top manufacturers in the industr

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INFECTION CONTROL MASS™ Medical Storage’s products are specifically designed with infection control in mind. With options such as medical-grade stainless steel and antimicrobial paint, our product line will help your medical facility strive towards impeccable infection control. MAINTAINING COMPLIANCE The CDC1 states that endoscopes are the medical product with the highest risk of disease transmission. Our design team and engineers place the utmost importance on governing societies’ recommendations when designing our scope storage cabinets and transport carts. Guideline for Disinfection and...

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QUALITY CONSTRUCTION • Premium German casters • Heavy-duty, powder-coated 14 and 20 gauge steel construction • Non-ferrous exposed metal components and hardware • Secure-A-Scope™ engineered to protect scope heads and support umbilicals • Back wall of cabinet padded vinyl to protect distal tips COLLABORATIVE PLANNING & CUSTOMIZED DESIGN Our newly-engineered MASS truHEPA™ air filtration system • Completely replaces air in the cabinet every two minutes • Creates positive pressure, maintaining compliance with governing agencies MASS™ is your design and engineer partner from common spec files to...

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CHANNEL AIR CABINET 1. Door Activated LED Lighting 2. MASS truHEPA™ Filter Fan 3. Quick Disconnect Manifold 4. Removable Scope Separator Rack 5. Padded Side & Rear Walls 6. Removable Drip Tray 7. Keyed Locking Hinged Glass Door The new MASS™ Channel Air Cabinet is designed to provide HEPA-filtered, pressurized air-flow directly into the cabinet itself and continuous positive air pressure through the lumens. This endoscope cabinet will meet the standards of manufacturers and society recommendations.1-5 In addition, this cabinet has FDA 510(k) exempt status to ensure proper medical supervision...

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CHANNEL AIR CABINET COMPRESSOR MODULE MASS truCONNECT™ 1. Door Activated LED Lighting 2. MASS truHEPA™ Filter Fan 3. Quick Disconnect Manifold 4. Removable Scope Separator Rack 5. Padded Side & Rear Walls 6. Compressor Module (with Storage Compartment) 7. Removable Drip Tray 8. Keyed Locking Hinged Glass Door Ensure your Channel Air Cabinet's air supply compatibility with the MASS™ Compressor Module. Specially engineered to provide accurate, proper airflow throughout the air manifold and cabinet, the Compressor Module fulfills your air supply needs. • Securely fasten scopes to allow for...

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Our revolutionary design provides top quality scope storage and accessibility. • Rotating scope holders make loading and removing scopes easy, safe, and secure • Scope holders engineered to protect scope heads and support light source guide cables. SPECIALIZED SCOPE & TEE HOLDERS • Back wall of cabinet padded vinyl to pre vent damage to distal tips • Removable plastic drip tray • Filtered ambient air vents • Specialized holders designed for EUS, Enteroscopy, TEE Store TEE probes safely and securely. Endoscopes hang freely and vertically to aid drying. Our unique holder system helps prevent...

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LARGE ENDOSCOPE STORAGE • Revolutionary new design sets the standard for scope storage and accessibility. • MASS™ endoscope storage cabinets satisfy most hospital’s infection control needs, promoting successful inspections by The Joint Commission. • Rear row of scope holders rotates to allow for easier loading and removal of scopes. • Scope holders engineered to protect scope heads and support umbilicals. • Back wall of cabinet padded vinyl to prevent damage to distal tips. • Removable plastic drip tray. • Filtered ambient air vents. • Designed for colonoscopes, upper GI scopes, EUS scopes,...

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SPECIALIZED ERCP PROCEDURE CART Equipped with hangers for catheters, a light to help with visibility during procedure and a 6 plug electrical outlet. SPECIALIZED DILATOR PROCEDURE CART This procedure cart holds up to 39 dilators. SCOPE TRANSPORT Safely transport endoscopes to prevent damage to delicate components. Minimize direct handling. Minimize exposure to airborne contaminates. Meet standards and guidelines. This cart comes with 4 or 6 trays and lids. TRANSPORT LINERS Available in sterile and non-sterile bags that are clear or color coded to help identify clean or dirty scopes....

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VENTILATION SYSTEMS These filtered vents limit microbial elements entering the cabinet and assist with maintaining a dry environment. MASS truHEPATM The MASS truHEPA pulls outside air through the HEPA filter, and into the cabinet. This filtration system replaces cabinet air every two minutes creating positive pressure in the endoscope storage cabinet. TM The top tier of recommended scope storage, drying cabinets provide HEPAfiltered, pressurized airflow directly into the cabinet itself and continuous positive air pressure through the lumen of the stored scopes. Available with an air compressor...

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TEMPERATURE & HYGROMETER GAUGE Maintaining stable temperature and humidity levels is key to proper scope storage. Our Temperature and Hygrometer Gauge allows you to easily and closely monitor the environment in your storage cabinet. Increase visibility during procedures by adding LED lighting to your storage cabinet. ELECTRONIC KEYLESS LOCK Reduce the security risk of lost keys by choosing the electronic keyless lock option. The code is easily reset to increase the security of your medical supplies. TAMBOUR DOOR Our roll-up tambour door provides an excellent option for small spaces. The...

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All MASS Medical Stroage catalogs and technical brochures


    9 Pages


    11 Pages

  3. Vaccine Cart

    1 Pages

  4. DUOcart

    1 Pages

  5. GOcart ™

    3 Pages

  6. Endoscopy

    1 Pages