

Catalog excerpts

EasyLock - 1

EasyLock Needles for soft tissues biopsy by aspiration as for “Menghini” modified EasyLock (PC) needle includ an atraumatic sharpened cannula made with A 304 steel and a includes udes ud ade AISI special “Menghini” tip. The disposable device is used for soft tis tissues biopsy such as kidney, lymph nodes, le liver and thyroid. The needle has a removable cannula with centimeter markings fo simple insertion depth evaluation. with for ith it The sliding stopper allows to easi determine the depth according to need . stopper o easily The echogenic marker enhances the ultras ultrasound visibility avoiding the cells to spread er out during the biopsy pr procedure. with The Th needle is fe s featured wit a sharpened ith it syringe without vacuum los loss. syri syringe without thou thout oss. os Gaug Gaug uge Gauge Outer ter te Outer diameter Code Code length 70 mm with full thread to offer a safer connection to the Optionally NeedleVise®safety device can Nee eedleVise®safety ee be added (PCR (PCR PCR M.D.L. M.D.L. Srl M.D.L. Srl Via Tavani 1/a – 23014 – Del Via Tavani 1/a 23014 Del Tavani 23014 Delebio (So) Italy Tel +39 -0342 682130 Fax + -0342 682130 Tel +39 -0342 682130 Fax +39 0342 691316 email : uc@mdlsr email uc@mdlsrl.com email uc@mdlsr web : www.mdls www.mdlsrl.com web www.mdls SOFT TISSUE BIOPSY The device includes an inn stylet with the follo inner following functions: includes lude ludes inn nner lowing lo - It e device penetration without skin incision; eases the dev evice pene ev netration ne incis ncis ncision; - It avoids the ti penetration into the lumen of the cannula b before reaching the target; avoid void voids tissue penet etration et - It gradually tra the gradual transfers the created vacuum from the syringe on th needle tip thanks to a special processing dual dually ra ransfers he he present on the s surface of the stylet; - It avoids th sa aspiration into the cylinder of the syringe keeping the sample into the cannula and the sample asp spiration sp the simplifying th ex simp simp mplifying the ex

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